CID signing event 8/27, 4:30-6:30

The next MID-CITY CID** signing event will be held:

  • Monday, August 27, 2018
  • 4:30 – 6:30 PM
  • Executive House, 4466 West Pine Blvd

If you haven’t signed the Mid City Community Improvement District petition yet, we encourage you to do so.  Failure to pass this proposal will mean the end of safety and security services we’ve been receiving since 1996.  To date the initiative has only 40% of the required signatures.  Since all signatures must be notarized, Ashley Johnson from Park Central Development, a notary, will be on site.  Please direct any questions to Ms. Johnson:  314.535.5311 or [email protected].


**  The CWE Mid-City Community Improvement District (CID) would replace the current CWE Southeast Special Business District when it expires at the end of 2018. The Southeast Special Business District has been providing safety and security services to the neighborhood since 1996. The District currently provides additional security patrols, maintains a security camera network, partners with the CWE Neighborhood Security Initiative, and has started upgrading pedestrian lighting in the neighborhood.

The new Community Improvement District would continue these efforts along with being able to provide more services to the community including cleaning and landscaping, public infrastructure, economic development, and marketing.  Community approval is needed to establish the new Community Improvement District and the Board of Commissioners have set up multiple opportunities for the public to learn more about the new Community Improvement District, ask questions of current Board members, and learn more about how they can become involved.

More detailed information on the CID can be found at: