WPLNA Meeting, Tues, Nov. 12, 7:00 pm

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, November 12th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome!

The minutes from our October meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the upcoming November meeting. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. 


Minutes:  10.08.19

Treasurer Terry Werner chaired the meeting in the absence of Harold Karabell and opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:03. 

MINUTES from the August meeting were approved unanimously as written.    


            $7,288.51 – time deposit account (due for renewal soon) 

            $3,117.86 – checking (membership dues received) 

            $1,061.52 – savings


Marshall Michener shared the good news of two Neighbors Naturescaping grants awards, one for the cul-de-sac on West Pine at Sarah and one for the west end of the 4300 block of Laclede.    

The sidewalk trash bins which have not been emptied regularly for some time have been now been collected and should now be picked up regularly on Tuesday and Fridays going forward.   


Ranieri Construction, developer of the Artizen Townhouses at 4101 West Pine, is doing testing to determine the piling system and should begin work on the foundation soon.  

Maud Essen asked about the setback on the new construction at 4201 West Pine, 6 luxury townhomes to be called West Village. Ron Coleman said the setback should match the front wall (not the front porch) of the other residences on the block.    

Ron Coleman said “Places for People” should be moved out by the end of this year.  That property and several others parcels are being packaged together for sale.  

Mr. Coleman was asked to contact the owner of the property that previously housed The Block and ask that they maintain the property – it is overgrown and full of weeds.  

The proposed development on the 4500 block of Laclede (between Taylor and Euclid) should start sometime next quarter.  

Most of the street lights in the area have been repaired and are now functioning, except for one recently broken by a contractor in front of 4101 Laclede.  


Marshall Michener told of a break-in on the 4100 block of West Pine, reported to police.  Gary Mudd, President of the HOA at 4101 Laclede, told of two break-ins into their garage/storage area and subsequent enhancements of their fencing and hiring of a security guard.  They also had an incident with a stranger in their mailroom checking out the packages but who left when confronted by a resident.  When asked about installing security cameras, it seems the developer of 4101 Laclede did not spend the money to install pre-wiring to enable a camera security system, leaving it up to the homeowners. This was recommended to Ranieri in the early stages of planning, but they chose not to do it.  As a new HOA, funds are not available to install a camera system at this time.  The association strongly encourages future developers to include wiring for security cameras in the project.  


TOWN HALL MEETING to discuss development:  

  • Wednesday, October 16 
  • 7:00 – 8:30 pm 
  • 4220 Duncan Avenue (Innovation Hall in the Cortex District) 

Discussion will include 

  • Incentive reform
  • Maintaining affordable housing in a developing neighborhood 
  • Best practices/plans for developing disinvested neighborhoods

Maud Essen recommended a 2008 book entitled “Mapping Decline:  St. Louis and the Fate of the American City” as background information for anyone who is considering attending the town hall meeting.  More info at:  https://www.upenn.edu/pennpress/book/14445.html

Marshall Michener offered these links for information on local development: 

West Village

4201 West Pine Boulevard

[email protected]

Artizén at West Pine

218 N Sarah

4101 Laclede Luxury Residences

4101 Laclede Blvd

And a website that covers development city wide including an activity map

CityScene STL


Exiting the westbound alley between Laclede and West Pine and turning onto Sarah is very dangerous. Cars park too close to the alley, restricting visibility and drivers speed down that block. Are there options for restricting parking and traffic slowing?  Perhaps we could get white striping in arcs to clearly delineate no parking zones.  Speed bumps were discussed but were deemed expensive and problematic.  This may be something to bring up to the newly approved Special Business District as a safety initiative. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Diana Gualdoni
