WPLNA Minutes 12.10.19


Minutes:  12.10.19

President Harold Karabell was unable to attend, so Treasurer Terry Werner agreed to serve as chair and opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:07.  

MINUTES from the November meeting were approved unanimously as written.    

TREASURER’S REPORT – Terry Werner –  No change from last month

  • $7,288.51 – time deposit account 
  • $2,267.86 – checking   
  • $1,061.52 – savings


Diana Gualdoni and Marshall Mitchell described ongoing work with St. Louis City Parks Department, the Special Business District, the 17th Ward, and our corporate neighbors to upgrade the median planters on Forest Park Avenue.  Reese Forbes recommended a friend from Glorious Gardens as a resource.  Marshall Michener says that we expect the project to be issued as an RFP.  

Dead trees reported at 4264 West Pine and on Laclede near Sarah.   

DEVELOPMENT – Ron Coleman: 

Ranieri Construction, developer of the Artizen Townhouses at 4101 West Pine, discovered a lateral city water pipe on the property which must be relocated before they can lay the foundation.  

Update from Ron on 12/13:  I just spoke with the new Raineri project manager and they received their permit to block the alley directly behind the project for the entirety of 2020.  The blocking will not block access to the bank trash containers or the driveways going through to Lindell. Next week Helitech will begin installing pylons for one day which will be quite noisy. 

As reported last month, the owner of the property at 4308 Laclede died in an automobile accident.  His brother has expressed hopes in settling the probate as quickly as possible and putting the property on the market.  

Update on the status of the full liquor license application for J&A’s at 10 N. Newstead:  The hearing had previously been rescheduled for 12/6 but was cancelled.  Now there is an official protest hearing scheduled for December 20 at 9:00 am in Room 418 City Hall.  Any input from residents would be for potential conditions to be placed on the license by the Excise Commissioner.  Whether or not they receive a license will be based on signatures alone, per state statute.

Construction is proceeding at a good pace on the lofts on West Pine between Sarah and Boyle.  

Marshall Michener said construction has begun on a new neuroscience building on Duncan and Newstead. 

Dug Feltch expressed concerns about the poor state of pavement on Sarah south of Forest Park.  

SECURITY – Marshall Michener:

There was a recent carjacking at Lindell and Boyle at 4:30 in the afternoon.  The car was later recovered in East St. Louis. There is some video but the suspects have not been identified/arrested.  One explanation for the increase in carjackings across the country is that newer cars cannot be hot-wired and stolen.  

Our taxing district reported a continued drop in crime statistics from the same month last year. 

Lorraine Simpson reported people checking doors of residences to see if they are locked, even in broad daylight.  Marshall said many burglaries happen mid-day.  Yusef Scoggin talked about the Special Business District’s mission to use some of their tax revenue for security, including off-beat police patrols, installation of over 200 security cameras (with more planned), and working with other SBDs to fund the Neighborhood Security Initiative.  These investments have paid off in helping to get arrests and convictions.

Andy Welty from the condos at 4101 Laclede said that, after a 3rd burglary, their HOA has installed an additional security fence on their garage.

In light of the fact that Ranieri failed to install the electrical infrastructure for a security system at 4101 Laclede, despite several requests from the City and the SBD, Diana Gualdoni asked what Ranieri plans for electrical infrastructure for security systems at the Artizen at 4101 West Pine.  Ron Coleman offered to contact them to ask.  


Diana Gualdoni requested reimbursement of $239.88 for the 12 month renewal of our website security deluxe package with GoDaddy.   

Reese Forbes invited everybody to a direct action campaign to maintain public control of St. Louis Lambert Airport.  


  • Saturday, January 4, 2020
  • 2:00 p.m. 
  • 5585 Pershing Avenue (parking & entrance in back)
  • https://www.facebook.com/resistnowstl

Respectfully submitted, 

Diana Gualdoni
