AhMoy Nickolai plaque dedication AND Angel Monument plaque

You are invited to join us on Saturday morning October 2nd at 11:00 am for the dedication of the cul-de sac garden at West Pine Blvd. and Sarah St. to AhMoy Nickolai, a long time resident of our community, originally from Malaysia but of Chinese descent, who spent many years beautifying the neighborhood. A plaque will be installed in her honor and a second plaque will also be installed explaining the history of the Angel Monument that exists there now.  Refreshments will Read More…

Public Health Priorities Survey

———- Forwarded message ———From: Community <[email protected]>Date: Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 12:47 PM Item from the Department of Health The Department of Health is seeking your help in prioritizing public health educational messages over the upcoming year. The Department has created a short 10-question survey to assist in getting citizen input to make these priorities. You can help by: Providing your input by completing the survey. It’ll take less than 10 minutes. Sharing the survey Read More…

WPLNA Minutes from meeting 09.14.21

WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes:  09.14.21 President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:04. The regular order of business was suspended in order to accommodate our guest speakers.   SPECIAL GUEST,  Carla Mae Streeter  Carla Mae Streeter is a professor emerita at Aquinas Institute of Theology, a graduate school of Ministry in the Dominican Tradition associated with SLU.  She is Convener of Compassionate STL and chair of the CSTL Coordinating Circle.  She Read More…

Alderwoman Pihl Neighborhood Office Hours

Alderwoman Tina “Sweet-T” Pihl will be holding monthly NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICE HOURS in the various 17th Ward Neighborhoods to meet 1:1 with constituents to obtain their input and hear concerns. These are informal events, thus, no appointment is necessary. The Alderwoman’s Office Hour schedule is per below:   September 20th, Monday (please note  the corrected address) Central West End 4:30pm to 6:00pm Starbucks, 4656 Maryland Avenue [Outdoor patio] (corner of Maryland & Euclid)   October 16th, Saturday Read More…

Alderwoman Pihl Neighborhood Office Hours 9/20/21

Alderwoman Tina “Sweet-T” Pihl will be holding monthly NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICE HOURS in the various 17th Ward Neighborhoods to meet 1:1 with constituents to obtain their input and hear concerns. These are informal events, thus, no appointment is necessary. The Alderwoman’s Office Hour schedule is per below:   September 20th, Monday Central West End 4:30pm to 6:00pm Starbucks, 4064 Maryland Avenue [Outdoor patio]   October 16th, Saturday Forest Park Southeast Time & Location TBD November 16th, Read More…

WPLNA Meeting on Tues. 9/14/21 at 7:00

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, September 14 at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome! Our guest speaker will be Carla Mae Streeter of Compassionate St. Louis.  For information on Compassionate St. Louis please visit their website at https://www.compassionate-stl.org The minutes from our August meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the upcoming meeting. We look forward to seeing you on Read More…

Special Business District Board Vacancies (Renters) – more readable version

Apologies to all:  the pasted image of Jared Boyd’s letter sent yesterday was very hard to read.  Because this is an important issue for our SBD, we are sending this transcription:   August 26, 2021 Harold Karabell, President West Pine/Laclede Neighborhood Association   Re:  Board Vacancies (Renters) Dear Mr. Karabell, Mayor Jones is continuing to fill a number of vacancies on the city’s boards and commissions.  We are seeking two (2) dedicated residents to fill Read More…

Deadline for comments to Alderwoman on 41 Lindell apartments

West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association update/reminder. On August 12th we sent out minutes of the August minutes regarding the proposal and discussion of the “41 Lindell Apartments”.    Residents were given the option of forwarding comments and concerns to Alderwoman Tina “Sweet T” Pihl at [email protected]. Please send your comments by August 23rd. In case you have missed the previous email, the minutes are copied below:   WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes:  8.10.21 President Read More…