WPLNA Meeting 3/14/17 @ 7pm

Te West Pine – Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet this Tuesday, March 14 at 7pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede. Please note that we plan to have two guest speakers on the agenda to discus three ballot measures in April’s general election: 1) A proposal concerning the treatment of abandoned residential properties; and 2) Two propositions concerning funding for both Metrolink and a multi-purpose stadium (often referred to as the “soccer stadium”). All are welcome!

CWE Ideas: Saving Public Radio

CWE Ideas Saving Public Radio  March 9, 2017,  7:30pm – 8:30pm Location: Selkirk Auctioneers & Appraisers/4739 McPherson Avenue There is talk in Washington about defunding the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), all of which could severely damage NPR, PBS, local stations and more. CWE Ideas presents a Thought Salon featuring Tim Eby, General Manager St. Louis Public Radio and John Read More…

2017 Neighborhood Leadership Academy Registration is open.

Registration is now open for the 2017 Neighborhood Leadership Academy. The Neighborhood Leadership Academy, created in 2002, connects resources at the University — Creating Whole Communities and University of Missouri Extension — with residents and neighborhoods throughout the metropolitan area who are interested in improving their communities. The Neighborhood Leadership Academy (NLA) provides hands-on leadership training that emphasizes community building principles and strategies, project planning, organizational leadership and management practices, and personal leadership skills. Participants are actively involved Read More…

WPLNA Meeting this Tuesday

Spend Valentine’s Day with your sweethearts in the West Pine-Laclede Neighborhood Association. Meeting this Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 7pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede. We plan to “Keep Up with the Joneses,” as both City Treasurer Tishaura Jones and Andrew Jones will give brief presentations on their mayoral primary campaigns. Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday. All are welcome!

Mayoral Forum, 2/22/2017 – Info, Survey, Registration

St. Louis Mayoral Forum 2017 Feb. 22, 2017 For the first time in 16 years, St. Louis will be electing a new mayor. To ensure residents are well-informed on how candidates plan to address challenges facing the city and the region, a group of regional initiatives focused on creating a more racially equitable St. Louis have partnered to shift the conversation to put greater emphasis on the systemic issues that currently plague our region. The Read More…

SLACO Roundtable Discussion 1/23/2017

YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE NEXT SLACO ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION When:                       Thursday, January 26, 2017 Time:                         Noon – 1:30pm Where:                     SLACO Offices                                     5888 Plymouth Avenue  Topic:                        Neighborhood Asset Mapping Speaker:                   Nancy Thompson, AICP ( Member, American Institute of                                                 Certified Planners)                                     Content Editor, Useful Community Development RSVP:                         Janet Desnoyer by Monday, January 23, 2017 at: [email protected]                         How you look at your neighborhood Read More…

Public Meeting on development at Kingshighway and West Pine

  You are invited to attend a public meeting to hear the developers present their designs for a major development for the northeast corner of Kingshighway/West Pine at next week.Monday, December 12th 7 pm St. Louis Public Library – Schlafly Branch More info at  http://www.stltoday.com/business/local/story-apartment-tower-planned-for-central-west-end-site-on/article_cb1645e4-5651-5467-bb5f-659dd2e2c509.html

WPLNA Meeting – Tuesday 12/13/16

The West Pine – Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet this Tuesday, December 13 at 7pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede. Please note that we’ll have a brief update from Better Together on its work regarding City/County cooperation as well as an extensive security committee report. All are welcome to attend!

WPLNA Meeting 10/11/16 @ 7pm

The West Pine – Laclede Neighborhood Association will hold its monthly meeting this Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 7pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede. All are welcome!! REMINDER: Voter Registration for the November election closes in MO on Oct. 12. Make sure you, family, friends are eligible to vote! You can check your registration at: http://s1.sos.mo.gov/elections/voterlookup/