Blooming Soon! Flower Sale – Order by 9/20

Have you ordered your Brightside flowers yet? Sales end September 20th so be sure to get yours before it’s too late. Proceeds raised will help support Brightside’s cleaning and greening initiatives. Order today at or call 314-772-4646 to place your order by phone.

Security Items for Sale on 9/9/14

The CWE Neighborhood Security Initiative is sponsoring a Club Sale at the NSI office, 447 N. Euclid on Tuesday, September 9th, 4pm-7pm These items are offered at a discount – Supplies are limited: Auto Clubs $13 License Plate Covers $5 License Plate Fasteners $3 Portable Security Cases $20 CASH ONLY!

WPLNA Meeting on Tuesday 9/9 at 7pm

The monthly meeting of the West Pine-Laclede Neighborhood Association will be on Tuesday, Sept. 9 at 7pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede. Special guest Regina Fowler from REJIS, will present her organization’s plan for an expansion of its parking lot on the northwest corner of West Pine and Boyle. Everyone is welcome to attend. Minutes from the August Meeting are included. WPLNA.08.14    

West Pine-Laclede Neighborhood Gets a New Pergola

Remember the deteriorating pergola and picnic table in the circle at 4301 Laclede? Thanks to funding from the West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association and the Manhattan Townhouse Association and our neighbor Ervin Janko, the old structure has been replaced by a beautiful cedar pergola and picnic table. Almost single-handedly, Erv designed the pergola, removed the old structure, then built and installed the new pergola and picnic table. Be sure to thank Erv for his contribution which Read More…

March Meeting Elections and Last Month’s Minutes

It’s time for our monthly meeting again! Join us Tuesday April 8 at 7 PM at Northwest Coffee to hear all the latest information about our neighborhood. We’ll be having elections for all four officer positions (President, VP, Treasurer, and Secretary). There will be a slate of candidates but anyone and everyone is free to offer nominations  from the floor. March 2014 Meeting Minutes:    

Meeting Reminder and February Meeting Minutes

Don’t forget to join us for the West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association meeting on Tuesday. As usual, the meeting will be held at 7 PM at Northwest Coffee. This month we have a special guest speaker. Steve Smith will be giving a presentation of The Lawrence Group’s plans to redevelop the former Housing Authority building on the southwest corner of Lindell and Sarah.  February 2014 Meeting Minutes: Highlights from the February Meeting: Deanna Venker from Missouri Read More…

Meeting Reminder and January Meeting Minutes

Don’t forget to join us for the West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association meeting on Tuesday. As usual, the meeting will be held at 7 PM at Northwest Coffee. This month we have a special guest speaker. Deanna Venker, an engineer with the Missouri Department of Transportation, will give a short presentation on the work that MoDOT is doing in our neighborhood and answer questions from our members.  January 2014 Meeting Minutes: Highlights from the January Meeting: Beautification Read More…

Lost Cat in Our Neighborhood!

One of our neighbors needs our help! She posted this on the Next Door website. Please keep your eyes out for this week cat. With another winter storm coming tomorrow, this little girl needs to find her way home. Hello, I live in the red brick townhouses by the community garden on the corner of Laclede and Boyle. My cat Cricket went missing on 1/27/13. She is an 8 year old brown/black tabby (tiger stripes) Read More…

Community Garden Plots Available

The Boyle/Laclede Community Garden is accepting applications for the 2014 growing season. The Community Garden is located at the intersection of Boyle and Laclede Avenues and has raised bed plots available.  Community Garden gardeners from last season have priority plot assignment through January 31st. Beginning February 1, plots will be assigned in the order in which applications are received.  Information on the garden’s guidelines, expectations, costs and application process is available at the Community Garden’s website. Read More…