Minutes: 3.10.15
President Harold Karabell opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:05. He thanked Tom Fox for his many years as Secretary, and he, in turn, said it was great to work with this group of active and committed neighbors who have done so much in recent years for this neighborhood. Terry van Schaik has volunteered to assume the role of Secretary per Harold. The minutes from February were unanimously approved. There was no treasurer’s report.
Beautification Committee: 1) Chair Laura Cohen asked for volunteers to work on the street planters. 2) Laura and Diana Gualdoni have been exploring the possibility of using one of several vacant lots in or near to our area for a sunflower project similar to the one on Delmar Boulevard last year. Contact either Laura or Diana for details if you are interested. 3) Matt Green of the Park Central staff updated the tree survey, and passed out a tree map for the area. If anyone knows of a curb space in need of a tree, contact him. He also reported that of the 80 sites identified for new trees, one half of them have already been planted and soon the others will be planted. Yousef Scoggins alluded to the policy of the Special Business District –no funding for beautification purposes.
Security: Marshall Michener has volunteered to be the Chair of this committee, and already he has coordinated with Jim Whyte of the Special Business District. Recent stealing from garages (bikes, garden equipment) have been reported. Yousef Scoggins mentioned that new residents to the CWE often leave garages unlocked but need to change that behavior. Security cameras are part of the new West Pine Lofts as well as part of the Ikea complex.
Open Discussion: 1) Brenda Ladin asked how to get a stoplight to replace the 4 way stop at Sarah and Laclede. She referenced recent accidents there. Alderman Joe Roddy said it would cost $120,000 and the city (or ward) would be hard pressed to fund such a request. There will be a request, however, to ask the Captain of traffic enforcement to patrol that intersection more closely. Brenda will continue to pursue the issue (interested members can contact her at brendeladin@hotmailcom).
2) MaryAnn Kroeck is interested in getting a parking district in place on West Pine due to the new lofts which are bringing more students to that area (who don’t have parking). The Red Cross parking facility has not provided help for this problem. Contact MaryAnn to assist in the process of creating the tag system of a parking district.
3) Juanita and Bob Strunk live next to the “bad house” at the east end of 4300 block of Laclede. The current owner has promised his house will be in good repair by summer (a roof and east wall would help—ed.). This is one of the four homes built in 1888, the oldest in the area.
4) Alderman Joe Roddy said that the “Target is coming” rumor has no basis. There is a grocery store coming, however, to Vandeventer and Manchester. Also, a “dog restaurant” is planned on West Pine, east of Sarah. He also mentioned that 4 major project in the area have no tax abatements—a very positive sign. Lastly, a new restaurant at 6 North is coming—Retreat Gastro Pub.
Tom Fox, [email protected]