WPLNA Minutes 04.14.15 through 11.10.15

Dear neighbors,

I just learned that some uploads of meeting minutes of the WPLNA are not easily accessible from the website.   For those who care to read them, and in the interest of easy future access to the record, below are copies of minutes from May 2015 through Nov 2015.  Apologies, and in the future, this should not be a problem.

We hope to see you at the December meeting tomorrow, December 8 at 7:00 PM.




Minutes: 4-14-15

President Harold Karabell opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:00. He thanked Diana Gualdoni for sitting in for Terry Van Schaik as secretary this month.

The normal order of business was amended to allow our guest to speak first.

Joe Wilson from Better Together passed out brochures and spoke for about 5 minutes about their mission to develop, compile and publicize the data that St. Louis needs to evaluate whether political reconciliation between the City and County should occur and offer insights into what residents could expect. He stressed that their role is not to advocate for any particular proposal or initiative but is to provide resources for leaders and citizens as they consider changes. Joe described the six areas of study, three of which have been completed. Of interest: the police study is to be published in May. He encouraged neighbors to go to www.BetterTogetherSTL.com for more information or to sign up for their monthly newsletter. He also passed out business cards and invited individuals to contact him directly for a meeting or further conversation about the topic.

MINUTES from the March meeting were approved with an amendment to the Beautification Committee report.


Terry Werner reported our balances:

$   423.98   checking

$ 8,492.16   savings

Since a $2 monthly charge has been added to our checking account, he will explore shifting to a free checking account, possibly with the new Eagle Bank to go in at the corner of Sarah and Lindell.

Terry announced that annual dues are due in April: $25 individual and $30 business.

Elections of Association officers will take place in May. Nominations are welcomed.


MaryAnn Kroeck reported that REJIS has agreed to spend money on a one-time basis on the planter at West Pine and Boyle and the city has offered to provide mulch for all the planters. She also reported that the efforts to partner with Cortex to plant a sunflower field on one of their properties were unsuccessful.

Terry Werner expressed concerns about Places for People – littering and loitering, especially in the alley. He spoke with the director with no results. Neighbors also have concerns about their employees parking on West Pine. Ron Coleman offered to speak with them on behalf of the neighborhood association.


Brooks Goedeker of Park Central Development reported:

Renovation of property at Lindell and Sarah by Eagle Bank – a curb cut on Lindell has been added, to be used only during bank hours and with the exit restricted to east-bound traffic. Eagle Bank has also agreed to maintain the area around the bus stop, which tends to accumulate litter.

4101 Laclede (the vacant lot at Sarah) is in foreclosure and is currently owned by the bank. At least three developers have expressed interest in that site.

ACI Plastics property on West Pine east of Sarah is slated to become an $8.5 million, 85 unit apartment complex that is not receiving tax abatement. Two existing multi-family units will be demolished as part of the project.

The Tree Replacement project in our area is behind schedule; 25 of the 110 trees requested last year have been planted. Park Central is in communication with the city to ensure the remaining trees are planted. The list was updated last fall, but if residents need to add to this list, please submit the request to Brooks at [email protected].


Marshall Michener reported that the Boyle Avenue closure, already behind schedule, has encountered complications due to utilities on the site which were not on their map. He will ask for an update.

Garage burglaries continue to be a problem in our area.

Jim Whyte, Executive Director of the Central West End Neighborhood Security Initiative (NSI) reported that our Special Tax District has had twelve burglaries this year, compared to one in the same period last year. Quite a few of these were in the Laclede and West Pine Avenue alleys. He encouraged residents to keep photos and serial numbers of valuables to assist the police in the event of a burglary.

Jim also spoke of the network of security cameras that have been installed in our neighborhood, which were instrumental in identifying the thieves of at least one recent garage burglary.

There was discussion about citizen involvement – i.e. show up at sentencing hearings, write to judges who are too lenient, and record license plate numbers and descriptions of suspicious pickup trucks in alleys and send to him at [email protected].  Residents are also encouraged to go to http://cwensi.com for more information, for safety tips, and to register their bikes with the NSI.


Dug Feltch announced that Operation Brightside has invited us to set a date for neighborhood clean-up. May 9, 2015 – the second Saturday in May was chosen. Neighbors are encouraged to participate and to set out items for bulk pickup that week.

Ron Coleman passed out information on how to register for the City’s Milkweed for Monarchs program and offered a Native Plant Catalog. If you would like information on the milkweed program please go to:   https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/mayor/initiatives/sustainability/milkweeds-for-monarchs.cfm.

Dug asked about the status of installation of new street lamps on Laclede. Brooks offered to inquire and on 4/15 was told by the St. Louis Board of Public Service that the poles and lights are scheduled to be delivered by mid-May and, barring unforeseen problems, installation should be completed by mid-July.

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Gualdoni

[email protected]




Minutes: 5-12-15

President Harold Karabell opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:05.

The normal order of business was amended to allow guests to speak first.

Nabeel Yaseen of 4247 Laclede Ave and owner of the recently renovated building immediately to the west of Northwest Coffee is close to reaching agreement with Alan and Rachel Richman owners of successful Sasha’s wine bars on Shaw and Demun, to establish their third wine bar in the renovated building. Operating under a different name but similar in concept to the existing Sasha’s, the bar would offer full liquor service and “dineresque” food with occasional live entertainment in the rear. Hours of operation would be lunch/brunch Monday-Sunday with 1:30 AM closing Monday-Saturday and midnight Sunday. Expected inside capacity is 50-75 people and 22-30 outside. The goal is to open by late fall 2015 pending approved permits and necessary construction. The owners acknowledged that noise may be a concern, but they will be good neighbors here as they have been on their other locations. Motion made, seconded, and approved with Mr. Yaseen abstaining: The WPLNA is on record as supporting establishment of a wine bar with full liquor license as presented by Alan and Rachel Richman Harold will send the owners a letter of support in keeping with the motion.

MINUTES from the April meeting were approved as presented.


Terry Werner reported our balances:

$   476.98   checking

$ 8,492.16   savings

Terry noted that many attendees had paid dues before the meeting began and encouraged others to do so as soon as possible.


Marshall Michener reported that the spate of burglaries recently experienced in the neighborhood seem to have abated following arrest of a second suspect. For now, we appear to be back to a low incidence level.

He encouraged members who see loiterers to try to get license plate numbers and call CWE Neighborhood Security Initiative (CWENSI). (447 N. Euclid Ave. 63108; 454-5808; Fax 361-0496).


Laura Cohen reported that REJIS is refurbishing the planter at W. Pine and Boyle and using only the roses and sage plants from the current planter. All other plants are free for the taking.
Tree planting throughout the neighborhood is behind schedule. Surplus trees are still available; send suggested areas for planting to Brooks Goedeker at Park Central – [email protected].

The May 9 neighborhood clean-up event was a success thanks to volunteers and the assistance of Brightside.


Harold called for any contesting of the nomination of the current slate of officers to run for re-election (i.e., Harold Karabell – president; Dug Fetch – vice president; Terry Werner – treasurer; Terry Van Schaik – secretary). None was received. Motion made, seconded, and approved unanimously: WPLNA will retain its current slate of officers for two years.


Parking on the 4100-4200 block of W. Pine (from Sarah to Boyle)

Members strongly expressed concern about the very limited parking available on this street after about 9:00 AM when SLU students and workmen arrive and park there. Susan Anderson, project manager for Park Central explained that she is leading an effort to institute resident only parking in this area. Those cars parked without resident tags would be ticketed. The process for setting this law is multi-stepped:

Residents must undertake a parking survey in which they identify cars/license plates belonging to non-residents.

If the survey shows that 33% of cars on the block belong to non-residents, residents must determine the hours and days during which the permit-only parking district is to be in effect.

Based upon the time frame supplied by the residents, legislation and a map are drafted and attached to a petition requesting institution of permit parking district for those residents who are registered voters to sign.

The time frame for the restriction is set for the entire restricted area. (Susan Anderson provided the clarification in the preceding sentence after the May 12 meeting.) Once the time/s are established, changing them requires repeating the signature and legislative process.

Proof of identity, vehicle ownership and occupancy within the restricted parking district are required with each term.

Other points of discussion included the following:

Residents are allowed one permit per vehicle owned and a maximum of two guest permits. The permit cost is $10/permit.

SLU students will be leaving the area soon for summer break, which could affect the survey results.

Diagonal parking such as is used on 4500 Laclede between Euclid and Taylor may be a way to increase the number of parking spaces on W. Pine.

Once permit only parking is established, the city puts up necessary signs and begins regular parking enforcement.

No policy is in place that denies permits to residents with off-street parking. However, Susan will investigate this option.

Jared Boyd volunteered to talk with businesses on Whittier and Lindell that have unused parking about allowing visitors to park in these spots.

Mary Ann Kroek and Lisa Partell agreed to co-chair a committee that will work with Susan to begin the above process. They will report on progress at the June 2015 meeting.

Brooks Goedecker reported on the following development opportunities and projects:

Boyle reopening – Now projected for end of May 2015. Then Duncan and Sarah will be closed.

3900 W. Pine – Efforts to reach agreement with potential dog kennel option are not going forward. Other possible tenants are being pursued.

4101 Laclede – The property is in foreclosure and priced at $700,900. Possible tenants are being pursued.

Gerhart Block at Vandeventer and Laclede – Several restaurants and other retailers are looking at the building. A problem is that the site has no commercial parking space. To remedy this, the developers are investigating having angled parking installed for which they would pay. Consideration is also being given to allowing visitors to park in the police lot west of the intersection.

Juanita and Bob Strunk concerns re house to east of theirs – The building is in severe state of disrepair and has been for some time. The Strunks are concerned about the slow progress and apparent lack of stability in the construction. Ron Coleman, neighborhood improvement specialist, reported that the building has been investigated and determined to be structurally sound. Renovation is “in the works.” The owner has not yet submitted architectural drawings to St. Louis city.


Attendees asked the purpose of the yellow stripes added to W. Pine near the planter at the Boyle intersection. Ron will investigate.

Jared Boyd suggested the Association participate in National Night Out, which falls under the CWE SouthEast SBD charter to support public safety initiatives and may have funds to help support the Night. Jared will follow up and report back.

Terry Van Schaik referred attendees to the flyers on tables describing the St. Louis Association of Community Organizations (SLACO) plan for “250 Exchanges of Peace” to be held in July 2015. She asked that interested parties contact her via email ([email protected]) or phone (314-535-0486; 314-290-1033.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Van Schaik, secretary

[email protected]



Minutes: 6-9-2015

President Harold Karabell opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:00. He thanked Diana Gualdoni for sitting in for Terry Van Schaik as secretary this month.

MINUTES from the May meeting were approved with minor revision.


Terry Werner reported that he has been out of town and hence, has recorded no changes in balances:

$   423.98   checking

$ 8,492.16   savings

He does have membership dues to be deposited and will give an updated balance report next month.

Diana Gualdoni requested $451.88 from the association to cover cost of expansion of the Boyle-Laclede community garden. The request was put to a vote and unanimously approved.


Laura Cohen reported for MaryAnn Kroeck that REJIS has completed their re-do of the planter at West Pine and Boyle and that it looks great.   REJIS has committed to maintain the planter.

Installation of new street lights along the 4100-4200 block of Laclede is under way. When questioned about the mess that has been created in the process, Ron Coleman assured the group that the city will refill the holes and clean up after the lights are installed.

Marshall Michener asked about street side trash cans and dog waste containers which are not being regularly emptied. Ron Coleman said we have 3 ways to report issues (please select one of the three):

Report to the Citizen’s Service Bureau (622-4800 or https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/public-safety/neighborhood-stabilization-office/citizens-service-bureau/)

Contact Ron Coleman directly: 657-1361

Contact Susan Anderson, Park Central Development: 535-5311, [email protected]

Terry Werner reported positive experiences with the Citizen’s Service Bureau. They issue a number to each complaint and follow up on each. Marshall will post a link on our web site.

It was reported that dumping of large tree branches in the alley between 4100-4200 block of West Pine and Laclede continues to be a problem. Residents were asked to report any information on who is doing this to the city (see options above to report issues). DEVELOPMENT:

IKEA construction continues on schedule with plans to open in Fall 2015. It will be one of their largest stores and one of only a few urban stores. Also of interest: IKEA announced their solar energy plan, which will make the project the largest rooftop solar array in Missouri.

BJC announced plans to bring a Tim Horton’s franchise to the first floor of its new building on Clayton Avenue and Boyle Avenue.

A question was asked about Jimmy and Andy’s bar on Newstead, which has closed and appears to be under renovation. Susan Anderson of Park Central will inquire and report back.

Ongoing construction: The Housing Authority project is proceeding according to plan. Whole Foods announced a delay in opening of the store on West Pine and Euclid until April 2016.


Marshall Michener noted the need for new traffic lines at Boyle & Forest Park and at Sarah & Forest Park.

Garage burglaries continue to be a problem in our area with two incidents reported since our last meeting.

Two other incidents have been reported: a robbery at Maryland and Taylor on 5/13 and indecent exposure at Maryland and Euclid on 5/23.

Club Sale (car theft deterrent) – June 25 from 3-7 pm at the Neighborhood Security Initiative office (see http://cwensi.com )

Neighborhood Security Initiative will host a Public Security Forum on August 4th at 5:45 PM at the Mahler Ballroom.

Copper thefts – there were several reported thefts of copper downspouts from homes in the CWE neighborhood. Although it is difficult to thwart a determined burglar, there are some ways to keep copper gutters and downspouts more secure. The first is a pin bolt, a stronger fastener which makes them more difficult to remove. Another option is to use products like copper circular clamps and brass brackets to take the place of thinner copper straps.

New Market Hardware reported theft of an air conditioner from their store.

National Night Out – August 4. Jared Boyd is the coordinator for our area.

A neighbor reported an attempted theft of a 40’ extension ladder which was not reported to police. We are encouraged to report all such activity to help police track trends and perhaps identify suspects.


The committee to explore parking restrictions on the 4100-4200 block of West Pine will defer the start of their survey until the fall when SLU students are back in town.

Ron Coleman spoke about the City of St. Louis Urban Vitality and Ecology Initiative as part of a long-range sustainability plan, including planning for future growth to 500,000 residents (from current c. 320,000), emphasizing:

Attractive and leafy neighborhoods, workplaces and schools

Outdoor parks and recreation spaces that promote active living

Ecological corridors that provide valuable economic, social and environmental services

Strategically placed nature reserves for exploring, bird watching, hiking and quiet contemplation.

The city has a goal of at least one butterfly garden in each ward. More information at: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/mayor/initiatives/sustainability/urban-vitality-ecology/index.cfm

Laura Cohen asked about Cortex plans for the lot across from the Post Office on Laclede. Susan Anderson volunteered to contact them and report back.

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Gualdoni



Minutes: 7-14-2015

President Harold Karabell opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:00.

MINUTES from the June 9 meeting were approved as presented.


Terry Werner reported that the following balances:

$     972.98   checking

$ 8,044.51   savings



Shelly Conley, Branch Manager, and Don Reeves, SVP Commercial Lender, provided an update on the renovation and commercial development of Eagle Bank’s newest location at 4100 Lindell Blvd., which is scheduled to open September 2015.

  • Eagle Bank started in 1911 and has 13 locations in the St. Louis area. Michael Walsh, President & CEO has owned the Bank for 25 years. The Bank’s focus is on community development and financial education, and bank representatives have begun walking the neighborhood to introduce themselves and the bank. The bank will have an additional office on the Cortex campus.
  • A dentist and a physician will rent commercial space on the ground floor. The second and third floors will be apartments with “market rate” upscale rents starting at $1,200 for one-bedroom units.
  • The bank will include a post office and accept utility payments at no charge.
  • Reeves will send Harold an invitation for WPLNA members to attend the grand opening so that Laura Cohen can send the invitation to all. The grand opening will be held about a month after the bank opens.


The committee had no report, but note was made to Ron Coleman that a large area of +12 inch grass in the middle of the 4200 block of West Pine needs city mowing.


Harold reported that he, Ron Coleman, Joe Roddy, and Manhattan Mews representatives have corresponded extensively recently regarding three issues:

  • The very slow renovation occurring at the single family house at 4308 Laclede – Ron Coleman responded that the owner lives in Las Vegas, has owned the building for two years, and continues to renovate the building despite various setbacks. The city now issues only monthly building permits in an effort to move the project along. Ron will check on the concern expressed that the owner is dismantling the building despite having been denied approval to do so. The building dates from 1889 and is one of the oldest in the neighborhood.
  • Exposed wiring low to the ground on light poles – Ron reported that the city is attempting to respond to this safety hazard. To report problems and request repairs, residents are encouraged to contact the Citizen’s Service Bureau (1520 Market St. 63013) at 314-622-4800 or stlouis-mo.gov.csb.
  • Obsolete street lights on 4300 Laclede – Residents have requested that lollipop lights such as recently installed on the 4100-4200 block of Laclede be installed on West Pine. Joe Roddy responded that replacing the lights is a very expensive project and that the recent Laclede lighting project cost $150,000. The city’s next focus for adding lights will be Euclid Ave., and efforts are under way to obtain funds for the project.

Ron also reported that efforts to upgrade sidewalks are underway to make them more even and thus safer. The IKEA opening is scheduled for September, and the hope is that a neighborhood invitational opening will occur before the grand opening with attendance anticipated at 25,000.

Harold reported that Nabeel Yaseen of 4247 Laclede has successfully contracted with Alan and Rachel Richman for rent of the renovated building between Northwest Coffee and the car wash. The Richmans own Sasha’s wine bars on Shaw and Demun and plan to open a third wine bar at the Laclede location by year end.


Marshall Michener reported that police apprehended the suspect who shot a policeman on Euclid within 12 hours of the incident due in part to the use of surveillance cameras. Garage break ins are still occurring although less often than in 2014. He encouraged members to lock garage doors and lock valuable items to large objects to reduce likelihood of theft. He also reported that two armed robberies occurred – one on Euclid and one on Pershing. He encouraged members to report suspicious people to police.

A member asked why the Board of Aldermen committee voted down the bill to increase funds for more police. Although not on this committee, Joe Roddy suggested that more work needed to be done before approval could be given and the issue may not be dead.

The West Pine Laclede National Night Out will be held Tuesday August 4 from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at the West Pine cul-de-sac near Sarah. Harold thanked Tiffany and Jared Boyd ([email protected]) for their work organizing the event, which will offer the chance to meet neighbors and enjoy free food and games.


  • The Board of Aldermen passed a bill establishing a Civilian Oversight Board.(Post-meeting note: Per the Post-Dispatch 4/20/15, the “seven-person St. Louis Civilian Oversight Board would have the authority to investigate allegations of police misconduct; research and assess police policies, operations and procedures; and make findings and recommendations. It could also review evidence and witness statements from investigations by police internal affairs. The board would report its findings to the city’s public safety director and police chief.”
  • He voted against the proposal to increase minimum wage in St. Louis City to $15 because of inadequate preparation and presentation of the proposal.
  • The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is searching for a 100 acre plot of land for building a facility to house its current 3,100 St. Louis employees. Efforts are underway to find funding to purchase and build on the needed acreage across from the former Pruitt Igoe location with costs projected to be $1.6 billion
  • The August 4 ballot will include a $180 million bond issue to fund infrastructure projects in St. Louis. (Post-meeting note: “The bonds will pay for pressing needs of the Fire and Police departments, streets and bridge repairs, derelict building demolition and building preservation, municipal court improvements, corrections department updating, and other city building improvements and service vehicle replacements. Specific projects include the replacement of fire trucks, upgrades to jail security systems, a new centralized and secure 911 dispatch center, as well as funding for neighborhood projects and recreation centers” (https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/mayor/news/bond-issue-to-go-to-voters-this-august.cfm).
  • The idea to build tracks for a trolley to run from downtown St. Louis to the Central West End appears, at least for now, to be defunct. WPLNA opposes the project and sent a letter so stating to potential organizers when the issue last surfaced.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Van Schaik, Secretary




Minutes: 8-12-2015

President Harold Karabell opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:00.

GUEST PRESENTATION: Tom Kribben – Access Project

Harold altered the normal order of business as a courtesy to a guest, Tom Kribben, Certified Application Counselor at Access Project. Mr. Kribben provided an overview of various insurance services available to Missourians including Medicaid, Medicare, Gateway, and the Affordable Care Act. People interested in learning more about insurance options may contact him at 314-203-1431 and [email protected]. The organization is located at 1027 S. Vandeventer Ave. #700; St. Louis, MO 63110.

Harold congratulated Jared and Tiffany Boyd on the success of the August Neighborhood Night Out, which they organized with funds from the SE Business District. Harold noted that the turnout for the event was high and that WPLNA had not had a Night Out in a decade.


The minutes for the July 13, 2015 meeting were approved as presented.


Treasurer Terry Werner reported the following:

Checking account: $1,075.98 with no expenses since the July meeting

Saving account: $8,044.51


The committee had no report. Ron Coleman encouraged interested people to apply for a butterfly garden grant that could provide as much at $1,500 as an “add on grant” to use to start a publically situated new garden or augment an existing one. The due date for the application was August 15.

Marshall Michener cautioned that an eight foot high poison sumac is growing in the West Pine/Sarah cul de sac – north side of West Pine.

Terry Werner noted that WPLNA was not identified as a donor or volunteer in the Brightside Summer 2015 Newsletter despite the fact that the Association does contribute funds and volunteer hours. He will contact Brightside to inquire into the matter.


Marshall Michener had no particular news to report. Terry Werner noted that he had seen some garage doors left partially open leaving a gap large enough for an adult to enter; he advised completely closing doors. Ron Coleman noted that one of the men arrested for the spate of garage robberies that occurred earlier this year would be on trial the following week and that residents attending sends a strong message to the judge re the seriousness of the offense.


Harold noted that he, Mr. and Mrs. Strunk, and representatives from Alderman Roddy’s office have had extensive conversations regarding the renovation of 4308 Laclede, a home built in 1888 that appears to be being systematically destroyed by workmen under the direction of the out-of-town owner. Per Harold and the Strunks, walls have been taken down, the foundation destroyed, and structural integrity put at risk. Mr. Roddy agreed to send a city building inspector to meet with the Strunks and review the approved renovation plans with them.

Ron Coleman noted that IKEA is scheduled to open September 30 with an expected 25,000 visitors the first weekend of operation. A portion of southbound Vandeventer will be closed to help control traffic flow. IKEA will have staff on site to assist with parking.

Susan Anderson provided an extensive report on area development including the following:

Parc Frontenac renovation:  Parc Frontenac and Montclair on the Park are to undergo full renovation.

Tip Top Cleaners site sale:  Sale of 32-40 N. Euclid closed in July.  The current plan is to demolish the building.  New construction will include two levels of underground parking, 1st floor commercial, 2nd floor offices, and floors 3-6 residential (13-15 units per floor).

Gastropub opening: Expected opening is late August.

Pedestrian light at W. Pine:  Many blocks have no pedestrian lighting (cobra only). Public safety was prioritized by the CWE infrastructure committee as the most critical infrastructure improvement needed in the Central West End.

4100-4200 Laclede: Pedestrian streetlights ($350,000) were installed summer 2015.  80% funded by Alderman Roddy’s capital improvements budget and 20% by CWE Southeast Special Business District.

4400 West Pine is next to receive new pedestrian lights ($275,000).  The project cost will be shared 67% from Alderman Roddy’s capital improvement budget and 33% CWE Southeast Special Business District.

  1. Euclid sidewalks, trees, and lighting funded by Park Central Development and the new Euclid South Community Improvement District:  The project will begin fall 2015 with replacement of the sidewalks, streetlights, and trees on the east side of Euclid between Forest Park and Laclede, and wrapping around to include the Wild Flower patio.  Although no one wants to lose the mature trees living in this area, they were nearly full grown in 1986, so they are near the end of their natural lifespan, A quick glance up into the canopy of the trees will reveal that they have not done well in this urban environment and are not in good health; many limbs are dead.  In addition, they are ash trees (same as those that were removed from the Arch grounds because of the emerald ash borer).  The replacement trees will be at least a 3-inch caliper and will be three different species so the next pest or disease will not mean the loss of all the trees along Euclid. The project has been planned to work around the sidewalk café season.

4900 Laclede:  Upon resident’s request, the street department has approved 45 degree angled parking on the north side of 4900 Laclede (from the rear of Park East Tower to Buckingham Court.  This is already a resident-only restricted parking district, and the project will add nine parking spaces to this dramatically parking-challenged block.

Kingshighway and Lindell enhancement requested by area residents: West CWE residents have considered enhancement of the Kingshighway and Lindell entrance to Forest Park.  This was the subject of a meeting among some interested residents early this year, and meetings with Forest Park Forever are planned.

West Pine parking survey of 4100-4200 West Pine:  Documents for the survey of current parking conditions are available.  This is the first step in instituting a restricted parking district for the block.  Pending decisions include the time/days of the week for the restrictions.

Phillips station at Boyle and Lindell: WPLNA meeting attendees voiced concerns about the Phillips gas station and convenience store at Boyle and Lindell.  It is being demolished and is to be rebuilt.  New gas stations are not allowed in the CWE, so were not included in the CWE form-based code.  Use of this site as a gas station, built in 1941, is grandfathered.

Jimmy & Andy’s bar:  The building sold June 2013.  It appears that the business was more recently sold.  Interior renovation is underway.  The re-opening date is unknown.

BJC study and interest in the Boyle and Forest Park area: Cortex has demolished the former Brauer supply building (a two story brick building on the southeast corner of Forest Park and Boyle). The future use of the site is unknown.

Need for traffic light arrow at southbound Boyle for cars coming off 64/40: Ron Coleman received the following update from Deanna Venker (Commissioner of Traffic, St. Louis) after the meeting: The signals along the stretch of Boyle between I-64 and Clayton Ave. have been coordinated.  Boyle has reopened and traffic patterns are not yet in full swing (about another month with the opening of the Duncan garage).  Once BJC starts sending employees to use this ramp, signal timing plans created by BJC will provide some additional timing changes with the new patterns as well as synchronization.

Boyle lights after roundabout not functioning properly — i.e., not changing: Ron Coleman will address this need as part of neighborhood stabilization.

Laclede gas lot at southeast Forest Park and Sarah:  The future of the site is unknown.

Sarah and Duncan work and IKEA opening:  The street department’s plan is for the Sarah and Vandeventer work to be complete and streets repaved before the September 30 IKEA opening.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Van Schaik with assistance from Susan Anderson and Ron Coleman



Minutes: 9-8-2015

President Harold Karabell opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:00.


Harold altered the normal order of business as a courtesy to our guest, Steve Smith from the Lawrence Group.

Steve Smith presented to this group about a year ago on the Eagle Bank renovation of the Gyo Obata-designed mid-century building at the corner of Sarah and Lindell. He said work is progressing and the bank is scheduled to open later this month.

He then offered a proposal to build a residential complex on the vacant property at Sarah and West Pine. The three buildings would be comprised of townhomes, 4 of them facing West Pine and 7 units off of a mews opening onto Sarah with access to townhomes on either side. The brick townhomes would feature bay windows, 2 or 3 bedrooms, and parking for two cars. No curb cuts are proposed on West Pine, one curb cut off of Sarah (for access to resident parking). Parking for the 4 units on the north will be accessed via the alley. The proposal features green space facing West Pine, in the mews, and directly west of the mews units. It is hoped that these units would sell for about $500,000 or c. $300/square foot.   Steps to implementation: Neighborhood Association approval, Park Central Approval, variance approval by the Board of Adjustments, pre-sale of 2 to 3 units, construction beginning in late spring of 2016.

Discussion following the presentation

No TIF has been requested.

Can the west façade of the proposed townhomes be made more attractive out of deference to the east-facing residential units directly west of the proposed townhomes?

Can the developer explore amenities, more green space – especially on the vacant lot to the west, along the alley, a space otherwise unusable.

This is a difficult lot to work with; this developer has a good track record and is sensitive to the neighborhood.

Variances needed:

No ground floor retail

Curb cut on Sarah

West Pine set-back is less than other residences on the block

Building does not face Sarah.

The Association voted approval of the variances and support of the project with 3 caveats:

A more attractive west side

Consider reducing the set-back on West Pine

If possible, additional landscaping on the east side


The minutes for the August 12, 2015 meeting were approved as presented.


No report: Terry Werner is on vacation.


Laura Cohen reported that Operation Brightside Neighbors Naturescaping project will announce grant awardees at a meeting on September 23rd. Both the Boyle-Laclede Garden and the cul-de-sac on West Pine at Sarah have submitted applications. Also, she said that Park Central will be submitting tree list to the city tomorrow.


No report: Marshall Mitchener was not available to attend/present.

Diana Gualdoni mentioned that Nextdoor CWE posted a report of a home break-in on the 4300 block of West Pine on the afternoon of September 7.   Dug Fetch reported that his car was vandalized.


Ikea is on schedule to open September 30th.

Vandeventer Avenue will be resurfaced later this week.

Preliminary discussions are underway for development on the vacant lot at 4101 Laclede.

New Cortex metro station has been funded and expected to open in 2017.

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Gualdoni, Acting Secretary



West Pine/Laclede Neighborhood Association

Minutes: October 13, 2015

President Harold Karabell opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7pm

Guest Presentations: Susan Anderson, Park Central

  • 4100 Lindell – bank to open soon
  • Gerhard Lofts – showing 2 bedroom apts./$1600 per month
  • Angled parking on 4000 Laclede added 40+ spots
  • Optimist Bldg – Cultural Resources denied plan per windows-under review now.
  • 32-40 N. Euclid – TIF hearing 10/14
  • 4101 West Pine – pre-sale starting in Feb 2016; property under contract
  • GastroPub open for dinner
  • 4400 West Pine lighting – looking for funding ($290,000) – if sound they will repair sidewalks with Aldermanic money
  • Trees – working with Forestry to plant more trees
  • If interested in angled parking on other blocks – see Susan (have to find $3500 per block)
  • Permit process for restricted parking on 4100 West Pine – ad hoc committee has suspended effort since parking isn’t as much of a problem at the moment.

Elysia and Mike, Brightside Recycling Program

  • Started  outreach and education in June
  • 20,000 roll carts and dumpsters – unique in US
  • WPLNA area has high participation
  • 134,000 tons of solid waste/15,000 tons recycled (10% diversion) last year
  • Goal is 20% diversion by 2018
  • 50% of what is thrown away is recyclable
  • Using social media to spread the word


  • Commercial – No. Only provide referrals
  • Some people taking recycling out of dumpsters – does this impact revenue? No but it is illegal and detracts from diversion rate.
  • NO plastic bags in yard waste or recycling dumpsters

Minutes for 9/8/15 meeting were approved with following corrections:

Dug Feltch (correct spelling)

 Treasurer Report: $1071.98 in checking/ $8048.66 in savings

Terry accepts dues anytime – $25 individual/$35 business

Motion to explore moving accounts to Eagle Bank – approved

 Beautification: Both proposals for Naturescaping at Brightside were approved – Boyle/Laclede Community Garden and West Pine/Sarah cul-de-sac. Work party on Saturday at cul-de-sac. Volunteers needed!

 Security: Marshall Michener reported that there have been a number of break-ins recently – The Block, the Laclede Gas truck, Elite Detailing and several homes. Advice: Don’t park in alley; don’t leave things visible in car; Don’t confront anyone – call police; Check garages – keep all doors closed at all times. Carolyn from NSI said they will sell “The Club” for cars – watch for notice of dates. 90 security cameras in CWE – no public feed/not monitored by NSI. Check when there is a reported crime.

 Development: Retreat GastroPub opened – 3rd restaurant on Sarah! Lunch and dinner served. Great addition to The Block and Scottish Arms in WPLNA.

4308 Laclede – stop work order was issued; workmen still there – inspector came by to stop work on entire building.

4101 West Pine – Marcus Renaud, President of Hamptons Condo, questions why retail wasn’t required by WPLNA. Hamptons owners want retail/mixed use. Other WPLNA members felt that there would be problems with parking. WPLNA voted to send letter of support to Park Central Development (with 3 caveats) at September meeting. PCD staff recommendation – and vote of PCD Development Committee – is to approve project without economic incentives. (with same 3 caveats). People are welcome to go to variance hearings and express their opinions – but process is pretty far down the road now. Dates to be provided.

 Aldermanic Report from Joe Roddy

  • Cortex is getting Square. Very important step in attracting national tech companies.
  • Tech Shop (under construction at Boyle & Forest Park) is attracting interest.
  • Site across from Grain elevator will be commercial, apartments & parking
  • Minimum Wage – no economic analysis presented. Ald Roddy feels that there are better ways to raise income levels.
  • Stadium funding – hasn’t seen any numbers. Might be for it because of additional information generated.

 Other issues: Request to post minutes on website sooner.

Respectfully submitted by Laura Cohen, substitute Secretary




Minutes: 11.10.2015

President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Minutes from the 10/13/15 meeting were accepted with one correction: Retreat Gastropub is open for lunch, brunch on weekends, and dinner.


Following the motion approved at the October meeting to explore moving accounts to Eagle Bank, Treasurer Terry Werner met with bank officials; based on the following he recommended moving the accounts: free checking account vs. $2.00 Pulaski fee; slightly higher savings account interest; gratis postage stamps provided monthly; the opportunity to invest $7,000 of the Association’s savings account in a CD that will mature in 18 months.

Motion made, seconded and unanimously approved to move accounts to Eagle Bank. Mr. Werner will finalize the arrangement immediately.


Laura Cohen reported that Brightside awarded grants for butterfly gardening to the Boyle Laclede Community Garden and the West Pine cul de sac area. Diana Gualdoni submitted the former and Laura Cohen and Marshall Michener the latter. Volunteers have completed all plantings.

Struggles around tree planting continue. In spring 2016 it may be appropriate to revise the tree study. Brooks Goedeker has kept records for Forestry and done a good job trying to get action on planting, pruning, and removal. Laura Cohen has alerted Brooks that sidewalks damaged during the utility work are unsightly and in need of clean up and repair.


Marshall Michener reported the following

He has met with Eric Larson, the new district chief.

Discharge of guns during the holidays is difficult to check/manage.

Pan handling is against a city ordinance. Efforts by police to reduce the amount of pan handling in the WPL area are underway. Police advise that residents should contact the police if they are approached by panhandlers or see a homeless person in need of shelter.

A dog walkers neighborhood watch program is under development.



Optimist Building (4494 Lindell): received the approval from Preservation Board and TIF. Brooks is working with Koman (developer) on an agreement to cover the cost of installing pedestrian lighting along the 4400 block of West Pine; if Koman agrees, the $220,000 from Alderman Roddy’s capital improvement fund will go to sidewalk repairs.

New Construction

32-40 N, Euclid (Koman project): TIF Process is moving forward.

Properties for Sale

4101 West Pine and 214-21 N. Sarah: Under contract. Project received support of CWE Development Committee; pre-sales are to begin in February 2016 with three or four needed to proceed. To date no variance has been requested because CWE Form Based Code cites first floor commercial along Sarah.

4101 Laclede: Brooks is talking with a potential developer regarding a mixed use development. The developer is working on financing. If the project progresses, the developer will be invited to meet with WPLNA

New Business

Gerhart Lofts: The project is coming close to fruition, and Susan expects to receive announcements within the next few weeks regarding businesses locating in the renovated first floor space.

Tim Hortons: Opened at Boyle and Clayton.

Wine bar at 4253 Laclede(Sasha’s): No additional information available.

CWE Infrastructure

Pedestrian streetlights for 4400 West Pine: The cost is shared via Alderman Roddy’s capital improvement fund and the CWE SouthEast SBD. The total is +/-$290,000 (see Renovations above).

N/S Sidewalks/Handicap Access: The survey is complete. Funding depends upon how the pedestrian streetlights on 4400 West Pine are addressed.

Alley between 3900-4000 West Pine and Laclede: The alley is in rough condition and has been added to the wish list of projects needed.

Trees: Work with Forestry continues to secure improved planting in spring 2016.

Forest Park Forever and areas immediately adjacent to Lindell/Kingshighway entrance: FPF is holding meetings with representative organizations in this area to generate suggestions for enhancements. FPF has also posted an online survey that WPL residents are encouraged to take.

New underpass at Kingshighway and Forest Park: A project is planned to build a 4-way intersection to allow entering Forest Park Blvd. when going south on Kingshighway and provide safer access to Euclid from Forest Park Boulevard.

Upcoming Events

Hilton Home 2 Suites (924 S. Taylor): City Talk by Alderman Roddy re development, programs, etc. for the entire ward. The date is TBD.

17th ward holiday party: The party will be held at The Block (33 N. Sarah) on Wednesday Dec. 15 5:30-8:00 PM.


Lighting on 4200 Laclede block: About half the street lights on 4200 Laclede are out. Ron is working on this problem with city staff. The 2-headed light at the West Pine cul de sac is also out.

Intersection at Boyle and Forest Park: Because of increased traffic from Cortex, the intersection needs lane indicators for southbound drivers. Traffic has the information on the need. Sarah and Forest Park is also unmarked but may be too narrow to be legally designated as a two-lane intersection. The cycle lane is in the center to protect bikers.

4308 Laclede: A stop work order was put in place because of neighbor concerns. The architect, who is respected by the City’s Building Division, submitted new plans. Ron’s office is concerned that if it applies too much pressure, the owner will abandon the project altogether.

West Pine Laclede alley behind the USPO: Hopefully this will be the #1 alley for repaving.

Trash around USPO: Ron has met with the owner of the property, who is also the owner of New Market Hardware to request he clean up the area.

Address identification on back of properties. Four inch letters must be on the rear of proper to allow easy identification.

Landscaping problems caused by the team working on the Laclede lights: No resolution is expected.

Speeding in the alleys: This is a growing concern because of increased traffic through alleys. The city is looking at options including building speed humps. Speed limit signs might help keep people alert to their speed vs. the limit; Ron will have signs posted where there are currently none. He views adding mirrors as more beneficial to pedestrians than drivers. Extending no parking zones to the left and right of alley entrances/exits will not help improve visibility for drivers exiting alleys; the legal requirement is five feet from alley exit to first parked car.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50.


Respectfully submitted,
Terry Van Schaik, secretary