WPLNA Minutes 02.10.16


Minutes: 2.10.2016 

President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Harold altered the normal order of business as a courtesy to our guest, Steve Smith from the Lawrence Group to follow up on previous presentations to the association.

  1. Sarah and West Pine residential development (see September minutes for details):
  • The proposed units would be owner-occupied, providing some balance to the larger number of rental units being built in the neighborhood.
  • Plans are compliant with the form-based code for the area.
  • Marketing to start in late April, presales are required to begin construction.
  • Prices from the 400,000’s, for 1,700 to 2,200 square feet, luxury units.
  • Buildings will have cast stone base with brick above.
  • Set-backs will be less forward than required (in fact a variance request has been submitted to move back from sidewalk (as approved by WPLNA in Sept).
  • Landscaping on West Pine – as much as possible will try to preserve older trees.
  • Questions were raised about ownership, maintenance and insurance of the sidewalk to the west of the buildings; on the plan it appears to straddle the property line. Wendy Timm of Enhanced Value Strategies, working with Lawrence Group, is looking into this. Lawrence Group will meet with the condo board of the units to the west. It was suggested that the sidewalk be moved one way or the other so that it is wholly owned by one entity or the other.
  • The vacant lot to the west of the property along the alley – Lawrence Group does not need it but, at the suggestion of the association, explored purchasing it for amenities or for common space (such as a dog park). The current owner is restricted from developing due to utility easements on the property, but the asking price is prohibitive for the proposed usage.
  1. Federal Mogul Site – Forest Park Ave between Vandeventer and Spring:
  • Lawrence Group has purchased the property
  • This property – plus that purchased by Cortex on Vandeventer (to the west)- comprise 15 acres and combined development plans include commercial, residential, office space (including tech and creative), food spaces, a central park and a trail (part of Great Rivers Greenway).
  • Plan to preserve the foundry building (c. 200,000 sq ft) to be developed in a manner similar to Chelsea Market in NY with anchor food hall, local vendors and traditional retail and office space.
  • Foundry and parking costs estimated at $90 million, entire project is estimated at $200 million.
  • The association asked that developers coordinate with The CWE Neighborhood Security Initiative, esp. in regard to installing security cameras and that they keep the WPLNA posted as plans evolve.


Since no hard copies were available approval of January minutes was deferred until the March meeting.


  • Checking account: $1,247.98 – only one expense of $100 for SLACO dues
  • Savings account: $1,051.82
  • Brightside requested annual donation. $100 was suggested and approved consentually.
  • Membership dues are due in March – $25 for individual members and $30 for business members.



  • Laura will confirm that Regis will continue to maintain the planter at West Pine and Boyle
  • Likewise, that Jeff Minor will continue to maintain the planter at Laclede and Sarah

Diana Gualdoni announced that Boyle-Laclede Community Garden has plots available. Application form can be downloaded at www.boylegarden.com or requested by email [email protected]. Also neighbors are invited to help maintain plantings around the garden – the fruit trees, flower beds, grape vines and herb garden, all of which add so much beauty and value to the neighborhood.


SECURITY REPORT – Marshall Michener

  • NSI meeting in January presented The City of St. Louis’ Plan to Reduce Crime through Prevention, Intervention, Enforcement, and Reentry Strategies. See more at: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/mayor/initiatives/public-safety/upload/Crime-Prevention-Plan_FINAL_20151215.pdf
  • Next NSI public security forum will be held on 3/30/16, 5:45 PM at the Mahler Ballroom. Mayor Slay will be the guest speaker.
  • Home security assessments are available to homeowners through Security First Inspections and from the STL police department.
  • The shooting at Sarah and Westminister turned out to be self-inflicted.
  • An arrest for misconduct was made at Shapiro’s Market
  • Car owners are advised to take the usual precautions to avoid break-ins.



  • RENOVATIONS: Optimist Building – 4494 Lindell – no update
  • NEW CONSTRUCTION:   32-40 N. Euclid (Koman): All interior remediation completed. Demo delayed to allow time for Ameren work. Exterior work expected shortly along with announcement of businesses.
    • Sale of John McElwain’s properties at 4101 W. Pine and 4236 Lindell due to close end of February. No date set for variance hearing. The West Pine site includes 215-21 N. Sarah, owned by Red Brick.
    • 4101 Laclede: Received support of CWE Development Commitee. Website is live and developers are progressing with pre-sales (25% required to start construction).
    • Whole Foods opening date: May 4, 2016
    • Gerhart Lofts, 3900 Laclede / 1-17 Vandeventer: No update
    • Sasha’s, 4253 Laclede: Scarlett’s Wine, applied for liquor license 1/25/16
    • 3940 Forest Park at Spring, former 6th Row Brewing is the new home of Pappo’s Pizza (parking available in the rear)
    • Pedestrian street lights, 4400 West Pine: shared cost via Alderman Roddy’s capital improvement fund and CWE Southeast SBD (total $290,000 +/_). With no update on Koman’s proposed development of the Optimist Building it is assumed the cost share will move forward as originally planned.
    • East side of Euclid, Between Forest Park & Laclede: Sidewalk fronting Tom’s Bar & Grill is completed. Work will progress systematically northward. Work at the alley will take longer so that the drain can be moved, eliminating the alley run-off from the sidewalk.
    • Work to elevate Forest Park Blvd. at Kingshighway will begin after Fair St. Louis ends its July 4th celebration in Forest Park.
    • Forest Park Southeast Dog Park, Chouteau & Newstead: no updates. Interested CWE residents may contact Hannah at Park Central: 314-678-7761.
    • “CWElive” is now on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, focused south of Lindell. Progress reports on Euclid streetscape, development projects as well as business news and events are available there.
    • Park Central is accepting applications for a new Project Manager position, due this Friday, February 12, 2016. This person will lead a CWE infrastructure assessment which will include public forums, resulting in a 5-year plan.
    • Pending sale: 4200 W. Pine (currently parking lot) – sale to Helix is pending for proposed townhomes. No firm plans yet. Will present to neighborhood association as plans progress.
    • UPCOMING EVENTS: Park Central Gala – April 23, 2016 at the Moto Museum, 3441 Olive.


  • There are c. 500 vacant parcels/buildings in the 17th ward, many of which are south of Manchester. There are also many proposals being considered to develop these vacant areas/buildings.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50.

Respectfully submitted,
Diana Gualdoni, acting secretary