Minutes: 01.12.16
President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Special guest Darlene Green, Comptroller St. Louis City, presented on two items that will be on the April 5, 2016 ballot.
- City earnings tax. City residents pay 40% of the total earning tax. An additional 30% comes from Illinois, and another 30% comes from St. Louis County residents. The tax generates the largest amount of funding for City services. Renewal of the tax must be voted on every 5 years. Ms. Green provided the attached handouts with additional detail. She noted that passage of the tax will not increase our taxes and encouraged attendees to support renewal of this tax.
- $25 million General Obligation (GO) bonds: These bonds generate revenue that provides funding for purchasing, replacing, improving, and maintaining the City’s bridges and buildings, vehicles, and equipment. In 2015 $13 million from these bonds was used to build flood walls that were instrumental in keeping the Mississippi from flooding in the heavy December rains. Passage of the Proposition 1 (a yes vote to retain the GO bonds) will not result in a tax increase.
SHELLY CONLEY (Branch Manager at Eagle Bank) REPORT
Ms. Conley reported the apartments that were included in the renovation of the newly opened bank building will begin leasing soon. A physical therapy office is also due to open soon in the commercial space on the first floor. A USPS branch will be operating out of the bank. The bank will also accept utility payments at no charge.
Minutes from the 12.8.15 meeting were approved as presented.
Terry Werner reported that WPLNA has purchased a 13-month $7,000 CD from Eagle Bank that will mature Dec. 2016 at which time the Association may choose to renew or cash the CD.
Savings account balance: $1051.39
Checking account balance: $1,247.98
Member dues will become payable in March regardless of when members paid their dues in 2015.
No report was needed.
- Renovations
Optimist Building at 4494 Lindell Blvd: No update. The project was not approved for New Market Tax Credits, which leaves a $1 to 1.5 million financing gap; the projects future is in question.
- New Construction
32-40 Euclid (Koman project) – Interior demolition of the dry cleaners previously operated at this location began in December 2015. Interior demolition is expected to begin in February 2016.
- Properties for Sale
- 4101 W. Pine and 215-21 N. Sarah has closed. The Lawrence Group is the developer and has not come back to address the three issues the CWE Development Committee (CWEDC) identified as possibly requiring a variance/s. Harold will invite the developer to present to WPLNA in February.
- 4101 Laclede – CWEDC supported the project.
- 4236 Lindell – The building is under contract to Steve and Amy Levin. The plans for the project are very preliminary. Two options being considered are to keep the first floor as commercial space and the remaining three floors as residential space or to make the entire building residential. The purchase includes the parking lot at 4205 (?) West Pine. The proposal is to provide two to three new townhomes on the front half of the lot with the remainder of the lot being converted to secured parking for the Lindell building.
- New Business
Nothing new to report.
- CWE Infrastructure
- Pedestrian street lights 4400 West Pine: The current proposal is to share costs via Alderman Roddy’s capital improvement fund and CWE SouthEast Special Business District for a total of about $290,000. Meanwhile Park Central is working with Koman (developer of the Optimist Building) regarding the lights. If the Optimist Building project is not successful, the cost share above will move forward as planned.
- Trees: Park Central Development has worked with St. Louis Forestry to secure more robust planting. In addition, Forest ReLeaf contacted Ms. Anderson to let her know that it offers free trees to neighborhood associations and non-profits. The free trees are 1-inch caliper; larger trees are for sale. If interested, visit http://moreleaf.org/ to learn more.
- Forest Park Forever/Forest Park Blvd.
No update.
- East side of Euclid between Forest Park and Laclede: Trees were taken down December 21, 2015. Removal of the sidewalk has been delayed because of cold weather. The plan is to complete the sidewalk work before the outdoor café season begins.
- Forest Park SE Dog Park at Chouteau and Newstead: No updates. Interested CWE residents may contact Hannah at 314-678-7761 or [email protected].
- Restrictive parking permits: Contact Hannah at above.
- “CWElive” is now on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and is focused south of Lindell.
- Upcoming events
Gala is being planned for April with details to follow.
- 3710 Forest Park: The Lawrence Group plans to convert the Federal Mogal Century Foundry site into a commercial, retail, and residential facility. No discussions have occurred re commercial customers. Per Mr. Werner, chemical clean-up will be extensive and expensive. Perhaps Lawrence Group could present to WPLNA at its February 2016 meeting
- SE corner of Forest park (near IKEA): Cortex owns the land but has no definite plans for its use. The 16-20 acres of land provide a very unique opportunity.
- The Cortex lot across from the Laclede USPO has been fenced in.
- 4100 block of West Pine: Attendees expressed concern about increased traffic in the east-west alley. One suggestion was to make the alley one way eastbound. Ron Coleman suggested we take up topic after 4101 Laclede condo and commercial project is completed. If the project is approved, parking on one side of the 4100-4200 block may be converted to angled parking to generate additional parking. Attendees expressed the strong desire for the planters on this double block be kept intact if the parking conversion occurs.
- Harold reported the opening of Park Avenue Coffee in the 4240 Building on Duncan just east of Boyle. Sample menus were passed out at the meeting.
Marshall Michener reported that crime in the area has increased in last two years but is still down compared with 2008 and 2009. Security camera installations are paying off with about 50% of crimes captured on file leading to arrests.
Attendees received the attached document entitled “Reminders from Your Block Captain.”
The meeting adjourned at 8:00.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Van Schaik, Secretary