Minutes 06.13.17
Minutes for May 9, 2017 were approved as written.
The Association’s bank account has changed from Eagle to Enterprise Bank. Staff, location, and financial terms remain the same.
Savings account balance: $1,055.25
Certificate of deposit value: $7,090.98
Checking account balance: $1,910.19
Mr. Werner reminded attendees that annual WPLNA dues are now due and can be paid at the close of the meeting or via mail to Mr. Terry Werner, WPLNA Treasurer, 4121 West Pine Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108.
Jared and Tiffany Boyd are again planning the WPLNA’s Neighborhood Night Out scheduled for Tuesday August 1, 2017. They welcome volunteers and can be reached at [email protected]. The CWE Special Business District provides funds for the event.
No report made.
West Pine attendees expressed concern about speeding on the 4100-4200 cul de sac block of West Pine, a concern heightened by the increased number of children now living in this block. Speeding is also increased on Laclede. After discussion of various expense-incurring options, attendees agreed to have the city install Caution Children signs on the west end of both Laclede and Sarah. The city pays for these signs. Ron will investigate whether the city would install a 2nd sign under the yellow Caution Children signs and also install one in the West Pine cul de sac. He will also research the possibility of placing the “Street not Through” sign in the West Pine planter to try to reduce the number of people who turn down the street assuming it is open on the east end. Determining whether the speeders are West Pine residents or travelers is difficult without having police undertake a “sting” operation and will not be explored further at this time.
4101 W. Pine condo site – Property has been purchased but name is not yet public.
4101 Laclede Condo development is reportedly causing an increase in rats in the area.
The BP (“AMOCO”) station at Laclede and Newstead has a new owner, and the car repair service is permanently closed although gas is still sold. The new owner plans to maintain the historic detail of the building and increase the size and content of the shop to sell beer, wine, snacks and more food staples. Local sites for auto service include Midtown Tire and Auto and Wicke Auto Service & Body Co.
Jimmy and Andy’s bar is not currently open.
Construction of the five story Microsoft building is underway as is construction of the Duncan Metrolink stop with opening planned for end 2018.
Marshall reported on the progress of Great Rivers Greenway’s bikeway/bike path that will include the trestle over Vandeventer and that will link the Cortex District with GRG’s Centennial Greenway farther west and north.
Car break in and theft continue in the city particularly along downtown Washington Ave. The incidents seem to occur sporadically in WPLNA’s area
Scarlett’s Wine Bar was broken into after closing June 11, and its safe was stolen. Investigation is under way.
(Post meeting note: Jim Whyte reported that BBQ Saloon at Laclede and Euclid was robbed at 4 AM Sunday.)
Terry Werner has prodigious bee hives that have generated many, many bees. Contact Terry at [email protected] if you wish to purchase bees
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Van Schaik, Secretary