WPLNA Minutes 10.10.17


Minutes 10.10.17  

President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and waived the normal order of business to accommodate our guest speakers.

MEGAN McBRIDE presented Proposition P, “Citizens for a Safer St. Louis, “ which will appear on the November 7 ballot. Prop P asks voters to approve a half-cent sales tax for public safety. It is a step to address discrepancy of police salaries between St. Louis City and St. Louis County, allowing an increase of c. $6,000 per year per police officer, and hopefully improving the City’s ability to recruit, train and retain police officers.   A small percent of the revenue from the tax would be allocated for job training, social programs, including after school programs, and for the office of the Circuit Attorney.

MARC DANGERFIELD – Evntur proposal for The Central West End Harvest Festival

Mr. Dangerfield offered an update on the proposed Sarah Avenue block party which was discussed at last month’s meeting of this association. He announced that, due to shortage of time to plan, the event will be postponed until 2018. Next year they will start planning much earlier and try to do things differently, including working with the West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association to make it even more interesting and inclusive. Ideas suggested include participation of the neighborhood association, local restaurants, perhaps additional events such as a hayride, open houses, and/or a puppet show by Kramer’s Marionettes.

Marc Dangerfield said he’s been approached by the owners of the Gerhart Building (Laclede and Vandeventer) who expressed interest in learning how they can partner with neighbors to bring a greater sense of community. Ideas suggested include movie nights, a community theater.

Input is being sought from citizens and businesses for the Sarah Avenue block party and the Gerhart Building proposal. You can reach Marc Dangerfield at EVNTUR Creative Connections at:

[email protected]




Minutes for September 9, 2017 were approved as written.


Terry Werner was absent but provided the following information for Harold Karabell:

Savings account balance:          $1,056.22

Certificate of deposit value:      $7,112.84

Checking account balance:       $2,329.19

Note: WPLNA dues are past due and can be paid at the next meeting or via mail to Mr. Terry Werner, WPLNA Treasurer, 4121 West Pine Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63108.  New/renewing member form is attached at the end.


Laura Cohen thanked Ron Coleman for his assistance in getting a “Street Not Through” sign posted on West Pine at Boyle.

She also reported that the Forestry Department tree planting takes place November through January and thanked Rick Baxter for sawing off broken limbs and cleaning up trees on West Pine near the cul-de-sac at Sarah.


Susan was not able to attend but did ask Harold to let us know that the lollipop lights on Euclid and Laclede have been converted to LED ballasts and should be done by year end.

Ron Coleman reported that tree planting in the area is up-to-date and the trees being planted are pollution- and drought-tolerant. In response to a question from an attendee, Ron said that construction work should be done between 6 a.m. and dusk, with any noisy work starting no earlier than 7:00 a.m.

Harold asked for approval of a letter of support for Jane Fitzgerald, new owner of City Studio in the building on the northeast corner of Laclede and Newstead. Since purchasing the space she has learned that zoning issues exist and the City has requested letters of support for her yoga and dance studio. It was unanimously agreed that the studio adds value to the neighborhood and presents no threats to public health, safety, morals or general welfare and that Harold is authorized to write a letter of support.


Marshall Mitchener sent his regrets. Juanita Strunk described another break-in at her home on the 4300 block of Laclede. The burglars accessed her place through the lot at 4308 Laclede which is still under construction, is unlit, and contains piles of construction materials behind which one can easily hide. This is the second time her home has been burglarized via that property. Harold reminded the group that because he lacks construction insurance, the owner of the property being renovated is co-signer on an indemnity account of $37,500. Harold encouraged Juanita to make claims for any losses she has suffered. Ron confirmed that there are no security cameras in the alley to help identify the perpetrators. The group asked Ron to contact the owner of the property under renovation and ask him to install a motion-sensor light in the back yard.


A resident spoke of lack of parking for residents on Laclede Avenue. Many of the parking spots are being used by construction workers and by workers from Cortex. Restaurant patrons also utilize Laclede for parking as a free alternative to the meters on Sarah. Ron Coleman will ask his contacts at Cortex to ask their employees not to park on the block. It may be necessary to explore parking permits for residents.

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Gualdoni

Substitute Secretary



West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association


Name __________________________________________________________________

Street address ___________________________________________________________

Telephone ______________________________________________________________

E-mail address___________________________________________________________

Dues enclosed: Individual $25.00________________Business $30__________________



Please complete this form and mail or deliver it along with your dues payment to:


Mr. Terry Werner, WPLNA Treasurer

4121 West Pine Blvd.

St. Louis, MO 63108


Please contact Mr. Werner with questions or for additional information at 314-535-0845.