The WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION will meet via ZOOM on Tuesday, September 8th at 7:00 pm.
Our guest speaker will be James Fredericks representing the developer proposing to build 190-unit luxury apartment building at 4130 Lindell, the previous location of Places for People. We look forward to learning more about this major project which will be of interest to all of us in the neighborhood but especially to those on West Pine Boulevard directly behind the proposed development. Preliminary drawings are attached.
Minutes from our August meeting are appended below and will be presented for approval. Please take a minute to review them before joining in the meeting.
All are welcome.
We are grateful to our colleagues at Park Central Development for setting up the Zoom meeting link below. We will NOT be limited to 40 minutes this month!
Please find the Zoom Information for the West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association Meeting September 8, 2020 @7pm.
Meeting ID: 938 3701 0039
Passcode: 417728
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 938 3701 0039
Passcode: 417728
Minutes: 08.11.20
President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. via Zoom. We had 10 attendees.
MINUTES from the July meeting were approved.
- $7,405.46 – time deposit account
- $2,482.20 – checking
- $1,062.41 – savings
Income in the checking account includes $500 from Regis for maintenance of the planter. This is down from the $750 originally committed, due to budgetary constraints due to Covid. Next year, if things have improved, Lorraine may ask them to resume the original commitment.
Reminder: annual dues are due. Many of our regular members have not yet renewed because we haven’t been meeting. See to enroll or renew membership.
Lorraine Simpson hopes to get funding for tulips and daffodils for the median planters from Brightside. Sue and Paul Nauert have submitted a grant for funding for plants and a decorative solar lamppost for Laclede at Newstead. It was suggested that, if that look works for the street, a fundraiser might be staged to purchase a second solar lamppost.
Lorraine suggested purchasing grabbers ($12 each) and distributing to neighbors who commit to grabbing trash on their walks through the neighborhood. Scott Gilbert suggested that offering gloves might be cheaper and preferable to some. Lorraine suggested an appeal via the WPLNA mailing list and distribution to volunteers who commit to the task.
Marshall Michener did not attend.
Alderman Joe Roddy and Neighborhood Improvement Specialist Ron Coleman were not present.
The meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diana Gualdoni