WPLNA Meeting on Tues. 06/08/21 at 7:00

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, June 8th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome!

We’ll have two guest speakers on our agenda:

1) Alen Zdrnja, representing the BP station at 4403 Laclede (at Newstead), who will discuss the owners plans to add auto repair services at their location

2) Joseph Carroll, a graduate student in SLU’s philosophy department who will describe his plans for a new project of civic engagement known as “The Lyceum Project.”

Other topics include an update on concert series at the Foundry.  

The minutes from our May meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the upcoming meeting. 

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. 



Minutes:  05.11.21

President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:04.   

SPECIAL GUEST, Alderwoman Tina “Sweet T” Pihl


  • Accountability and equity, attracting people to work together.  How?  One idea:  bring neighborhood associations (such as ours) together in regular meetings (quarterly?).  
  • Need comprehensive city planning and citizen input on incentives and tax credits.  
  • She uses Facebook & Twitter to share information on hearings on TIFF, tax abatements, etc. 


  • Parklet on Laclede at Vandeventer will celebrate grand opening on May 18 at 5 pm.  The Commissioners of the Special Business District will use this occasion to hold their monthly meeting at the parklet.  Citizens are invited to attend. 
  • Great River Greenways will consider the Tower Grove Connector at its June Meeting.

What do members of the association want from the city? 

  • ADA-accessible curbs, ramps, sidewalks
  • Speed bumps to slow down speeding drivers
  • Address drivers ignoring stop signs 
  • Zebra crosswalks for pedestrians especially because they may help drivers notice stop signs
  • Alderman Pihl serves on Street and Traffic Committee and was appreciative that these issues were brought up

MINUTES (Diana Gualdoni) :  April minutes were approved unanimously as written. 

TREASURER’S REPORT (Terry Werner)   

            Checking:       $2,129.89  

            Savings:          $1,068.65

            Time deposit: $7,427.68 – matures 1/22/2022

Note:  we’ve had several new members subscribe but a number of existing members have not renewed.  Terry and Diana will work together to follow up with these members. 

BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE REPORT (Lorraine Simpson and Sue Nauert):

  • The West Pine/Sarah cul de sac will be named in honor of Ahmoy Nickolai and her 35+ years working on neighborhood beautification.  There will be a ceremony and plaque installation on May 29th.  Ahmoy means “plum blossom”, hence a plum tree will be planted in her memory.   
  • Lorraine has been managing the planter on West Pine at Boyle Avenue with funds contributed by REJIS.  To date this has brought in $1,250, with at least  $500 more expected this calendar year.  As expenses have been low, much of this has gone into the association’s coffers.  She asked for $1,600 to have an irrigation system installed and a subsequent $250 per year for maintenance and backflow inspections.  The request was approved.  

DEVELOPMENT (Ron Coleman) :  Ron Coleman was not in attendance. 

SECURITY  (Marshall Michener) 

  • Overall total crime is below the 4 year average.
  • Incidents include an armed robbery near Gastropub, gun shots and a stolen scooter.  
  • Cameras, while not a crime deterrent, have helped greatly in identifying suspects.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Gualdoni, Secretary