The West Pine-Laclede Neighborhood Association invites you to attend a most important meeting:
When: This coming Tuesday, August 10th at 7 p.m.
Where: Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (just east of Boyle)
Why: To hear and discuss a proposal by the developers for the demolition of the former Places for People building (4130 Lindell) and the Lindell Professional Building (4144 Lindell) and their replacement by a very large apartment building.
The proposed demolition and new construction will have a great impact on the Lindell streetscape and especially on those neighbors who live on the north side of the 4100 / 4200 block of West Pine.
Because of the size of the project and its potential impact on the neighborhood, we urge everyone to attend next Tuesday’s meeting at Northwest Coffee Company.
Please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions,
President, West Pine-Laclede Neighborhood Association
314 – 574-1231