The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, November 8 at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle). All are welcome!
The minutes from our October meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the upcoming meeting.
- West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association
- October 11, 2022
7:03 Harold Karabell began the meeting, with introductions. There were 13 in attendance.
There were no new neighbors in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report
Terry Werner reported Association balances
- Time Deposit: $4458.42
- Checking: $3575.19
- Savings: $2069.52
Beautification Committee
Lorraine Simpson reported on tree trimming along sidewalks and towards REJIS which was paid for by WPLNA. Terry Werner added that WPLNA also did trimming just outside our neighborhood boundary per the request of Ron Coleman. Terry will send an accounting of expenses incurred to be posted in forthcoming Minutes.
Harold gave an update on the park at the end of West Pine and Sarah:
The park has a beautiful new look, paid for $3,000 gift from developers of West Pine and Sarah condominiums. Sharon and Bob Olwig will generously pay the additional costs for the park improvements which far exceed the $3,000 given by the developers.
CWE Southeast SBD Report on Security: Jim Whyte
(Questions posed during the report italicized.)
Our area comprises 10 taxing districts which are given daily communication about crime.
The SBD works with detectives, captain and team.
They run a network of over 300 cameras throughout area. They have 1 FT and 1 PT employee and hope two have FT employees.
There is a neighborhood court advocate funded by Wash. U. who advocates on behalf of the neighborhood.
An outreach team staffed by Alvin Ferguson and his partner Melissa Brown. Alvin and Melissa drive around in a maroon Nissan SUV. Alvin and Melissa endeavor to get to know people living on the margins. There are success stories in their presence.
SBD hopes to provide more statistics, data, and fundraising reports.
There is an epidemic of car thefts in the CWE, particularly with Kia and Hyundai vehicles. The offenders are young and travel in a group. The one watching is usually armed.
There were 66 vehicle thefts 2022 compared to 13 this time last year in SE CWE (see map handout, last page)
CWE overall has had 277 cars stolen this year, compared to 61 cars at this time last year. Kids now know how to start a car with a USB cord.
Total crime in our neighborhood (CWE??) is up 52%.
US Marshalls were recently at The Parkview Apartments at 4451 Forest Park. Marshalls found fugitives there with guns.
How can we contact off duty officers in the neighborhood?
Response $150,000 pays for patrols throughout the week.
We can share information with the patrols as they are going out.
How are the officers visible?
The cars are marked with the SBD? logo.
TCF would like to increase bike use.
Old carts are out of service. They tend to be loud.
Golf carts will be used within time.
It’s a challenge to find officers to do off-duty work.
We have lost a number of officers in recent years.
Can SBD hired officers make an arrest when they are working in our district?
Internet was impacted by a copper thief stealing cable wire on West Pine.
This type of theft goes back 5-10 years. They get $100 copper but it costs AT&T several thousand to repair.
Lorraine commented that the wiring should be placed underground.
Terry reported that we will eventually see a fiberoptic network in our neighborhood.
CWE has given out 90 steering wheel clubs to Kia and Hyundai vehicles.
Is violent crime on the rise?
Yes, gun use is on the rise. Assume that everyone has a gun.
Crime in this neighborhood is greatly reduced compared to the early 90’s crack epidemic, for example.
What are signs of someone carrying a gun?
Backpack is often on backwards, purses worn across body
Lorraine brought up Chicago gangs who think they are skilled through video games.
Harold announced that Alderwoman Pihl is considering creating an Infrastructure Committee. If anyone is interested in joining this committee, please let her know.
Terry will lead our November meeting as Harold may be unable to attend.
Terry and Lea announced honey for sale to help St. Louis Friends of Bethlehem.
Harold will lead a bike tour to Bellefontaine cemetery, with a $15 donation St. Louis Friends of Bethlehem, on Sunday October 30, from 1-4.
Dug Feltch announced a marionette show taking place from October 15-31.
President Harold Karabell adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM.
Minutes taken by Secretary Catherine Swanstrom.
Thanks to Northwest Coffee for graciously providing space for our meeting.