The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, September 11 at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle). All are welcome!
The minutes from our August meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the upcoming meeting. Please note that to save on paper and ink, only a minimal number of hard copies will be printed for review and approval, so you are encouraged to read the minutes on line prior to coming.
- Jared, Charlie, and Karen of the 4100 / 4200 block of West Pine generously have agreed to organize this year’s Neighborhood Night Out (NNO) festivities on behalf of the entire neighborhood.
- NNO is planned for Tuesday, October 3rd, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., to take place on what will be the closed-to-traffic 4100 / 4200 block of West Pine Blvd (Boyle to Sarah). Note that only the eastern half of the double block may be closed off.
- The organizers will provide hot dogs, both meat and veggie, plus buns as well as the grill and the Master Chef. They also will provide non-alcoholic beverages.
- Everyone else is asked to bring a dish to share. The organizers also would like all their neighbors to bring their own silverware and plates, to minimize both clean-up and waste.
- Our deepest thanks to our Special Taxing District and to Park Central for their financial contribution to our Neighborhood Night Out celebration.
President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:05.
Many officers unable to attend: treasurer, secretary and beautification chair.
MINUTES (Diana Gualdoni for Catherine Swanstrom): Approval of July meeting minutes deferred till next meeting since no hard copies were available for review.
Held nationally on the 1st Tuesday in October – this year on October 3, 2023. Neighbors are encouraged to organize neighborhood parties for an opportunity to socialize with and get to better know neighbors and our emergency responders while learning about resources offered by the City, the Ward and the Special Business District (SBD). More information about National Night Out at If of interest, Ron Coleman can provide resources and help to interface with Police and Fire Department representatives to meet with us. Yusef Scoggin said the SBD can provide up to $500 to help cover expenses. Harold suggested that the 4100 block of West Pine would be a good place to hold the party. Members present discussed options of hosting the entire footprint of the WPLNA on the 4100 block of West Pine vs. smaller and more localized gatherings. Anybody interested in helping to organize such a party is encouraged to contact Harold Karabell – [email protected] .
- Lorraine Simpson joined by phone to report 2 garage break-ins on West Pine on or around July 27 in which bikes and yard care equipment were stolen. Jim Whyte of the Neighborhood Security Initiative told Harold there were a couple of other break-ins on Laclede about the same time. It is believed that at least one of the burglars was arrested recently.
- Yusef Scoggin – The SBD, the City, the NSI and Washington University have invested a great deal of money in cameras, lighting and extra police patrols to try to address such crimes in the neighborhood. Although these are very helpful, it behooves residents to take extra precautions to protect valuable equipment such as expensive bikes, even if garaged.
- New street lights for the 4300 and 4400 blocks of Laclede Avenue will soon be installed.
- Car break-ins were down in June but rose again in July.
- Walgreens has instituted a security system called SKY COP which, unfortunately broadcasts recorded warnings throughout the night, disturbing neighbors to the south. Neighbors asked if they could turn off the broadcast warnings during certain hours of the night.
- Introduction of Kaitlyn Smith, Legislative Assistant who, in addition to the Alderman, can be contacted with issues.
- Her contacts are: [email protected], or 314-809-7254.
- Board Bill 29 bans open carry of guns in the city with a concealed weapon permit. There will be a 30 day period during which police will issue only warnings, after that time residents can call police to check for a permit and, if necessary, confiscate any illegal weapon.
- Independence Center project on Forest Park Avenue at the old Allied Photocolor site – plans are moving along on schedule.
- 41 Lindell project developers have been silent, leading us to believe they do not plan to proceed with the proposed development.
- Traffic safety – flaunting of traffic stops, failing to stop for pedestrians, and speeding continue to be a problem. The City is reconsidering red light and speed cameras. Also the police have started actively focusing on traffic violations and enforcement on Delmar Ave.
- Ward capital – the Board of Alderman is looking at funds left over from the last administration with an eye to funding street maintenance, or lighting, or dumpsters and/or bike lanes.
- Concern expressed about flagrant violations of traffic rules and bicyclist safety issues
- Traffic slowing is needed, especially on south-bound Boyle Avenue
- New bike lanes, similar to those in Chicago and Washington DC are urged
- Repaving/redesign of existing bake lanes is needed (especially Tower Grove Avenue)
- One resident experienced serious harassment while riding her bicycle by a motorist who bumped her, threw something on her and cussed at her. Can cameras help identify such aggressiveness? Another resident cyclist suggested keeping phone handy to capture license plate of aggressive drivers and report them to the police.
- Pedestrian safety is also an issue. A few weeks ago a pedestrian was hit by a vehicle on Forest Park Avenue just west of Vandeventer Avenue. There are plans for a new crosswalk on Forest Park Avenue across from the Foundry.
- As a cyclist he has experienced similar problems and is working with the Board to try to address such issues. Traffic calming/slowing will help – traffic humps are expensive and not very effective. Narrowing streets helps.
- There are plans to replace the Tower Grove Avenue bike lane with bi-directional, separated & protected bike lane and to reconfigure the intersection at Tower Grove and Vandeventer Avenues.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10.
Respectfully submitted, Diana Gualdoni