The featured speaker at our July meeting will be Jim Whyte. As most of us know, Jim is the Executive Director of the Central West End Neighborhood Security Initiative (NSI). Jim will speak about recent crimes in the neighborhood, including the two shown below in both text and images.
Andrew Caldwell, one of two candidates for the position of 9th Ward Committeeman, also may speak at our meeting (as of this writing, Mr. Caldwell has not yet confirmed his availability).
In addition to discussing the carjacking and “porch piracy” incidents, Jim also will address two other issues related to”qualify of life” in the neighborhood.
These are: 1) The theft of a significant number of plants from both the cul-de-sac at West Pine & Sarah and the 4300 block of Laclede; and 2) the behavior of a very small but troublesome number of “dumpster divers” who are leaving trash strewn throughout the alleys on a regular basis.
Several members of the Association have spent hours working behind the “dumpster divers” to clean up the West Pine and Laclede alleys. As a hopefully short-term and emergency measure, we encourage all members of the Association to take responsibility for the dumpsters closest to your residences by keeping them as clean and as neat as possible. We advise wearing gloves and using shovels as necessary when working behind the messes left by this small number of highly irresponsible “dumpster divers.”