The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, June 14, at 7:00 PM at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle). All are welcome.

The minutes from our April and May meetings are copied below and will be presented for approval that the upcoming meeting.

Representatives from the proposed developer of the 41 LINDELL APARTMENT BUILDING will be present.  We urge all with an interest in this proposal to attend.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. Please consider inviting a neighbor to join us.



West Pine – Laclede Neighborhood Association

Meeting Minutes

10 May 2022

President Harold Karabell called meeting to order at 7:05 PM

Harold called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM, welcoming new attendees and inviting all present to introduce themselves.

We welcome the following new attendees:

Malgorzata Krych-Goldberg, 4225 West Pine

[email protected]

Tess Yocom, 4372 W. Pine #3E

[email protected]

Angela Williams, 4366 W. Pine

[email protected]

Harold called upon committees to give reports

Treasury – Terry Warner

Checking account $477.69

Savings $3069.12

Certificate of Deposit (CD): $4452.83

Expenses: Planters installed at Boyle Garden (?)


Beautification – Sue Nauert (Lorraine Simpson is away)

Neighborhood Operation Brightside clean-up 9:00 AM Saturday May 14 (rain day Sunday). There will be shovels and rakes available for clean-up. All are encouraged to come.

Southeast Special Tax District – Yusef Scoggin

Ron Coleman unable to attend.

He sends a message that as of today, May 10th, the City has resumed alley recycling.

Alderwoman Tina Pihl unable to attend. She will hold office hours, Wednesday, May 11th from 6:30 – 7:30 PM at Urban Chestnut in the Grove.

1202 So. Boyle Public Safety meeting will be held on Thursday, May 12th from 5:30-6:30 on 1201 South Boyle.

David Chunn, our Washingon University representative is unable to attend.

Announcements and Updates

The trash in front of the 3900 Block of Laclede St. Louis Police garage/parking has been removed. Thanks to David Chunn for his initiation and follow-through.

Yusef Scoggin gave a report on the Southeast Special Tax District – No major updates. Tax that we pay generates $ 500,000 annually. Major campaign this year is to move forward pedestrian lighting. Block of

Cameras are in place. $3 million is allocated for security services.

We want to protect handicapped pedestrians. Annual report is available on their website:


Yusef reminds us that the Park Central Development Association office has deployed two outreach workers to help with minor crime, or vulnerable individuals in the neighborhood.

Alvin Ferguson, can be reached at


President Harold Karabell returned to the proposed development on Lindell at the former Places for People building.

Our association has been opposed to the proposed structure because of alley set-back and the general unattractive design of the building. Demolition of the rear of both the Lindell Professional Building and the former Places for People building could potentially cause utility problems for our Neighborhood.

The developer would like to have a small meeting with us and come to our June meeting.

City Hall requires a zoning approval. Alderwoman Tina Pihl will back up our opinion.

There was discussion about the unkempt condition (e.g. tall grass) of the property. If they don’t build, the property could even be further abandoned. This is something for us to consider as we move forward.

This issue is reminiscent of the Ronald McDonald House situation.

Discussion of home being built at 4308 Laclede, immediately south of the Neighborhood Garden, is a project approved by the Association. The work is progressing.

There was discussion about the for sale former Mounted Patrol Police and Stable on Newstead, which is owned by Red Brick. This property continues to be vacant and is maintained irregularly. It seems the asking price is too high.

Action: Sue Nauert has spoken to Ron Coleman, and emails Pete Rothschild directly, to remind them of maintenance.

Work has begun on the new coffee house on Sarah, with a 6-month timeline.

The Developer’s name and email is Mark Schwarz at [email protected]

One of the houses east of New Market Hardware is under demolition. This is one of last remaining home structures on this block of Laclede.

The home was once owned by Adam Strauss, owner of Hi-Tech Security.

Terry Werner offered honey and pecans for purchase, as well as an invitation to the

Voices from the Holy Land salon on May 15th at 2:00 PM.

We will resume an email blast before our next meeting in June.

Harold Karabell adjourned the meeting at 8:05 PM.

Minutes submitted by secretary Catherine Swanstrom.

Special Thanks to Northwest Coffee for graciously hosting our meeting.

West Pine – Laclede Neighborhood Association


12 April 2022


President Harold Karabell called meeting to order at 7:05 PM

Alderwoman Tina Pihl is unavailable to join meeting. She extends invitation to join her at 17th Ward meeting on Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM at Urban Chestnut on Manchester.

Harold introduced our new neighbor Beau Herndon, who with his finacée Audra, will make their new home at 4132 W. Pine.

Treasurer Terry Werner gave report:

$640 in bank

$3069.12 in savings

$4452.82 TOTAL ($2.70 surplus)

Lorraine Simpson of Beautification Committee gave report:

Neighborhood clean-up will take place on a date TBA. All are invited to pick up litter and errant weeds.

Lorraine would like to work with City sub-committee to develop concepts to re-start recycling.

Lorraine has litter grabbers available for anyone who would like to pick up litter in area.

Sue Nauert and David Chunn, our Wash. U. community relations representative, are working on installing more handicapped ramps and accessible areas in neighborhood, such as crosswalk paintings.

Ron Coleman gave report from City:

Tina and ADA met about spending remaining $100,000 for ramps.

Sharon and Bob Ollwig, future residents at the new condos on Sarah and West PIne, reported on a developing master plan for the cul-de-sac at their location. Developer of new condos has funds. for this green space. Harold and Sharon are working on letter to developer to refine the plan.

Harold gave accolades to Sharon and Bob for cul-de-sac improvements and to Lorraine Simpson for her work on W. Pine planter area.

There was discussion about granite benches in cul-de-sac. Sharon and Bob have generously offered to explore and pay for replacing these with more comfortable iron benches. The granite benches are historically noteworthy as they belonged to a stately home on the 4300 block of W. Pine which was demolished by Ronald McDonald House after much controversy. Sharon is going to ask developer to move these benches to the Boyle Garden at 4300 Block of Laclede, per Sue’s suggestion.

Ron Coleman announced that there are no updates in development report. The Special Business District will soon replace trees that did not make it through first season.

Yusef Scoggins gave report on Special Business District:

SBD is considering expenditures for beautification, security, infrastructure.

New lighting will be installed at 4300-4400 Blocks of Laclede. Pedestrian lights will be installed throughout area. North and South streets will follow.

Yusef has an annual budget of $500,000.

Lorraine brought up double homicide on 4050 block alley. We do not know details of this shooting. It occurred in the middle of the night.

Todd Swanstrom brought up trash around police station and parking lot on Laclede. Ron Coleman will ask police to clean up this area.

Sue extended thanks for extra pick-ups of trash provided by City.

Harold gave update on condo project on Lindell. Developer spoke of drawing revisions, though it has been two months since Harold has heard further details about this.

Terry Werner brought up April elections for Neighborhood association and asked for self or other nominations. The position of secretary is open.

Catherine Swanstrom nominated herself to be secretary.

Harold has generously offered to stay on as President

Terry Werner has kindly offered to continue as Treasurer

Dug Feltch has graciously offered in absentia, to continue as Vice-President

After a vote, each of these positions was unanimously approved.

President Harold Karabell adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM.

We are grateful to Northwest Coffee Roasters for graciously allowing us to meet at their business.

Minutes submitted by Catherine Swanstrom 13 April 2022.