Neighborhood meeting reminder 3/11/25 @7pm at Northwest Coffee Co.

We have a full, interesting, & and most exciting agenda for this coming Tuesday’s WPLNA meeting, March 11th at 7 p.m. at Northwest Coffee.   Alderwoman Cara Spencer will talk about her mayoral candidacy. Ms. Spencer advanced to April’s general election, where her sole opponent will be incumbent Mayor Tishaura Jones.   City Comptroller Darlene Green will discuss her bid for re-election to office as well. Ms. Green also advanced to next month’s general election, where Read More…

Neighborhood Meeting reminder 2/11/25 @7pm

Good afternoon, neighbors! This is a friendly reminder that the West Pine/Laclede Neighborhood Association meeting will be Tuesday, December 10th at 7pm at Northwest Coffee on Laclede Ave. Our featured speakers will be two of the four candidates in this year’s Mayoral primary, Andrew Jones and Michael Butler. Mr. Butler currently serves as the City’s Recorder of Deeds while Mr. Jones was a candidate in the previous Mayoral race as well. Alderwoman Cara Spencer was Read More…


Quarrelsome Coffee opened at 22 N. Sarah in October of 2023 in the space formerly housing The Block Restaurant (and before that the wonderful restaurant Terrene). We just learned that Quarrelsome Coffee will close on February 2nd. The owner, Mark Schwartz is exploring other options for the space but has not announced any future plans.  He kindly offered to keep the neighborhood informed. You may want to drop in before they close on February 2nd. Here Read More…

WPLNA January meeting CANCELLED for 1/14/25

Neighbors, the officers and committee chairs of our neighborhood committee have decided to cancel this month’s neighborhood meeting due to continued snow and cold temperatures. We planned to have Alderman woman Cara Spencer in attendance this month to discuss her mayoral campaign, and have extended that invitation to either February or March’s neighborhood meeting in order to have the best turnout for her attendance. More details on Alderwoman Spencer’s attendance to follow. Stay warm and Read More…

Yard Waste Collection Discontinued During Winter Months

December 01, 2024 Yard Waste Collection Discontinued During Winter Months Roll-Carts:  Roll-cart yard waste collection will be discontinued starting Wednesday, December 11, 2024.  Roll-cart yard waste collection will resume on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Alley Yard Waste Dumpsters:  Alley yard waste collection will be discontinued starting Thursday, December 12, 2024 and Friday, December 13, 2024.  Weekly alley yard waste collection will resume on Thursday, March 13, 2025 and Friday, March 14, 2025. ********** For convenient Read More…

WPLNA – Mayor Jones will attend 12/10 meeting!

Addendum to the notice posted on December 6 (copied below). In addition to our guest speaker announced previously (see below), Mayor Tishaura Jones will join us to speak and to field our questions.   We hope to see you there tomorrow at 7 pm.   Posted on December 6, 2024 by Nicole Ewing Good afternoon, neighbors! This is a friendly reminder that the West Pine/Laclede Neighborhood Association meeting will be Tuesday, December 10th at 7pm Read More…

Neighborhood Meeting reminder 12/10/24 @7pm

Good afternoon, neighbors! This is a friendly reminder that the West Pine/Laclede Neighborhood Association meeting will be Tuesday, December 10th at 7pm at Northwest Coffee on Laclede Ave. We will have a guest speaker in attendance, Jess Watson from the Washington University Medical Center Redevelopment Corporation. Hope to see you all there!

Thanksgiving schedule for roll cart trash collection

The City of St. Louis Refuse Division would like to remind residents that the trash collection schedule for roll carts will be adjusted to accommodate Thanksgiving Day observance on Thursday, November 28, 2024. Residents who normally have their roll carts collected on Monday (solid waste) and Thursday (recycling) will have their trash collected on Monday, November 25, 2024, and recycling on Wednesday, November 27, 2024. There will be no change for residents who normally have Read More…