Author: Nicole Ewing
Public meeting: STL LOOK UP & LIVE
From the linked website: Join MCU leaders (in person) at this Public Meeting to speak to elected officials about our social justice issues. We can come together as a group to make demands of policy change that aligns with our shared values. Come experience what this act of decay can build a stronger community.
The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 11th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle). All are welcome! Jim Whyte, the Executive Director of the CWE Neighborhood Security Initiative, has been invited to give us a short update on crime in the neighborhood and the work of The City’s Finest, our supplemental security contractor. The minutes from our September meeting and copied below and will be presented for Read More…
17th Ward Meeting – 9/14/22, 6:30 PM
Alderwoman Pihl invites all to attend the next 17th Ward meeting: Sept. 14, 2022 6:30 – 7:30 PM Claim Academy, 4356 Lindell Blvd, 63108 2nd floor parking lot and street parking Agenda: Ward updates Development & Tax Incentives
WPLNA MEETING on Tuesday 9/13/22 at 7:00pm
The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 13th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle). All are welcome! Our guest will be Alderwoman Pihl, who will discuss tax incentives and recent developments in the neighborhood. The minutes from our August meeting and copied below – please take a moment to review these in advance as they will be presented for approval at the upcoming meeting. We look forward Read More…
National Night Out volunteer needed for our neighborhood
National Night Out will be held throughout St. Louis on Tues., Oct 4, 2022. The announcement below brings us to realize that IF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD IS TO PARTICIPATE, SOMEONE IS NEEDED TO STEP UP AND LEAD. We’ve had wonderful events in the past (thanks to several generous volunteers) and hope to continue to participate as a neighborhood. Please consider doing so – contact information is below. If you do volunteer, kindly notify the West Pine Read More…
The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, August 9th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle). All are welcome! Alderwoman Pihl has informed us that developer of the proposed “41 Lindell” apartment building has decided to proceed with the project, without either an alley setback variance or tax abatement from the City. In a related development, we’ve been in communication with both the owners of ABNA and their attorney. All Read More…
WPLNA Meeting on Tues. 07/12/22 at 7:00
The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, July 12th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle). All are welcome! The minutes from our June meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the upcoming meeting. Please note that to save on paper and ink, only a minimal number of hard copies of minutes will be printed for review and approval, so you are encouraged to read Read More…
17th Ward Meeting: 7/6/23, 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Please join Alderwoman Pihl and your neighbors at the next 17th Ward Meeting: July 6 – 6:30-7:30p CIC 20 S Sarah St., 63108
N. Kingshighway Traffic Study Materials – Input till 7/31/22
Please find below a link to the N Kingshighway Traffic Study (Dr MLK to Lindell) and all the materials presented at the June 22, 2022 Public Open House: Public comments can be entered through July 31,2022.