WPLNA Meeting – 3/12/19 at 7 pm

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, March 12 at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome! The minutes from February’s meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the March meeting. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes 2.12.19 President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM The normal order of business was suspended Read More…

WPLNA meeting on Tues, 2/12 at 7 pm

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, February 12 at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  Our guest speakers will be Patrick Weston, Jason Kean, and Lauren Kobal, all from the Regions Bank branch that’s just opened up on Vandeventer between Laclede and Forest Park. They’ll be discussing the bank’s “Next Step Financial Wellness Program.” All are welcome! The minutes from January’s meeting and copied below and will be presented Read More…

WPLNA Meeting at 7 pm – Tues., 1/8/19

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will hold its first meeting of the new year this Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  Among the topics to be discussed will be an update on the repair to the water system at the community garden. All are welcome! The minutes from December’s meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the January meeting. We look forward Read More…

St. Louis Association of Community Organizations (SLACO)

WPLNA and St. Louis Association of Community Organizations  WPLNA currently has an open position representing us on the SLACO Board of Directors. Key features of the position include: Length of service  1 to 3 years depending on SLACO’s schedule Expectations  Attend 4 full Board meetings/year  (appx. 1.5 hours each held in evenings) Meet occasionally with member representatives of other community organizations in our geographic area Ideally, attend SLACO’s annual member meeting with registration fee paid by Read More…

WPLNA Meeting 7:00, Tues. 12/11/18

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet this Tuesday December 11, 2018 at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome! The minutes from November’s meeting will be presented for approval and are copied below.   We look forward to seeing you on December 11th. WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes 11.13.18 President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM MINUTES The minutes were approved as revised Read More…

Sarah Street Fall Festival, Nov 10th from 5-10 pm

THE FLYER Sarah Street Fall Festival We hope to see all members and friends of the Association at this exciting event this coming Saturday, November 10th from 5:00 till 10:00 pm. You may recall that event planner extraordinaire Marc “The Awesomizer” Dangerfield of Evntur discussed organizing a street party at one of our meetings a few months ago. Please join us to enjoy hot seasonal foods and warm drinks provided by: Juniper Retreat Gastropub Scarlett’s Wine Bar Read More…

Sarah Street Fall Festival – Nov. 10th – hosted by Evntur

We hope to see all members and friends of the Association at this exciting event this coming Saturday, November 10th. You may recall that event planner extraordinaire Marc “The Awesomizer” Dangerfield of Evntur discussed organizing a street party at one of our meetings a few months ago. Please join us to enjoy hot seasonal foods and warm drinks provided by: Juniper Retreat Gastropub Scarlett’s Wine Bar The Scottish Arms N. West Coffee Brewers Kaldi’s Coffee The Croquetterie Read More…

WPLNA meeting Tuesday 10/9/18 at 7 pm

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet this Tuesday October 9, 2018 at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you on October 9th. Please note that Core10 Architecture will be at the meeting to present site plans and preliminary drawings for a proposed new development for the 4100/4200 block of West Pine. This is a project that should be of great interest to Read More…

Meet Claire McCaskill – Tuesday at Northwest Coffee

We’ve just learned that Senator Claire McCaskill will be having a “meet and greet” at Northwest Coffee tomorrow evening, beginning just one hour before our own West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association meeting. Ms. McCaskill’s staff undoubtedly arranged the time and place to make it quite easy for our membership to attend both events!      :- ) Please plan to come early to Northwest Coffee to meet Senator McCaskill; we may have to truncate our Read More…