WPLNA Meeting This Tuesday Fe. 13th

The West Pine – Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 7pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede. Our guest speaker will be Sara Feagans from Park Central Development. She’ll discuss a most important topic, the creation of a Community Improvement District to replace the current Central West End Southeast Special Business District. Since such districts are funded by special assessments on property owners within the District, Sara’s talk should be of great Read More…

WPLNA Meeting – Tues. 1/9/18

The first West Pine -Laclede Neighborhood Association meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday, January 9th at 7pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede. A representative from the City’s Streets Dept. will attend to discuss traffic/safety concerns. All are welcome to attend!

IMPORTANT – Next WPLNA Meeting – 1/9/18

Reminder: There will NOT be a December meeting of the West Pine-Laclede Neighborhood Association. Our next meeting will be Tuesday January 9 at Northwest Coffee at 7 p.m. Deanna Venker, head of City Streets Department, will be there to talk about plans for traffic management in our neighborhood and to address safety concerns. In order to help her prepare please send questions to Harold Karabell, WPLNA President at [email protected] by 1/3/18. We will try to Read More…


  LEARN ABOUT THE CHOUTEAU GREENWAY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30th Great Rivers Greenway is working to create green space throughout the City of St. Louis to connect residents to the outdoors and each other.  To date, they have 113 miles of greenways throughout the greater St. Louis area.  Their mission is, “Connecting the St. Louis region with greenways so people can explore their rivers, parks and communities, making it a vibrant place to live work, and play.” Read More…

WPLNA Minutes 11.11.17

WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes 11.14.17  President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM and waived the normal order of business to accommodate our guest speakers. EMMA KLUES – Vice President Communications & Outreach Great Rivers Greenway Great Rivers Greenway (GRG) connects the St. Louis region with greenways, making it a vibrant place to live, work and play. Greenways are places where you are able to walk, run, bike ride, discover Read More…

Link Auditorium – Visioning Session 11/14

The Link Auditorium is a historic building at 4504 Westminster. This info is being provided since some WPLNA members may be interested in participating in this upcoming visioning session (NOTE: Our monthly meeting is the same date). *** Please join us on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 for a Community Visioning Session at The Link Auditorium, 4504 Westminster Place at 6:30 pm (doors open at 5:30). This session, facilitated by the Kansas State University Technical Assistance Read More…