WPLNA Minutes 7.10.12


Minutes 7.10.18


President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM and waived the normal order of business to allow a question and answer session with the guest speaker below.



Mr. Roberts is a Democrat running for re-election in the August 7, 2018 election. Among Mr. Roberts’ achievements as Representative are:

  • Passing legislation that helps pharmacies save money on prescription medicines
  • Co-sponsoring legislation to help adults complete their high school education
  • Sponsoring criminal justice reform bills to raise the age and prevent children from being charged as adults and to establish racial bias training for police officers


Mr. Roberts identified issues he thinks he shares with his constituents:

  • Economic justice – raise the minimum wage, promote start-ups and innovation, defend workers’ rights
  • Education – restore cuts to public schools, colleges, and universities
  • Public safety – defend women’s reproductive choice, equal pay, minority inclusion in contracts, the LGBT community, expanded Medicaid and defense of Planned Parenthood funding




Ms. Johnson reiterated for attendees and WPLNA residents the difference between the current SID and the proposed CID. Please refer to https://westpinelaclede.com/2018/05/wplna-minutes-05-08-18/for explanation of the difference between the current SID and the proposed CID and the need for signatures on the petition that would allow the change to a CID. Note that at this evening’s meeting, Ms. Johnson and Marshall Mitchell emphasized that without conversion to the CID the WPLNA residents would have reduced security patrols and funds for beautification.



Minutes for June 12, 2018 were approved as written with the correction of Ms. Ashley Johnson’s last name.



Terry Werner was absent, and no report was given.



No report was given. Harold noted that the co-chairs from previous years have moved from WPLNA, and so volunteers to replace them are needed.



Prior to the meeting Jim Whyte had posted news on the arrests recently made. See https://westpinelaclede.com/2018/06/update-on-crime-in-the-neighborhood/


Marshall Michener noted that crime prevention is critical to reducing crime in the neighborhood. He also noted that in the past three years only personal robberies have increased in our area. Various factors have helped bring about this reduction in crime: increased knowledge of “hot spots” (e.g., Schnuck’s area), hyper vigilance among residents (e.g., not sitting in car using cell phone instead of moving along), and surveillance camera both police and privately owned. He also noted that the comparative wealth of our neighborhood makes it attractive to criminals.




Ms. Franks is running for License Collector for the City of St. Louis. She will oppose Mavis Thompson in the August 7 Democratic primary. After providing brief personal and work autographical information, Ms. Franks reported her goals if elected:

  • Grow stagnant city revenues that are needed to fund what are currently under-funded community services
  • Support small businesses and create jobs in city neighborhoods
  • Build a system that serves all St. Louisans, not just a few


Her vision is to increase city licensing revenue significantly by 2025. One way to do that will be to simplify the license fee renewal process, which currently requires in-person payment at City Hall. An online service would be much more cost effective, and its ease would prompt rather than delay payment. The estimated cost to implement improved electronic system(s) in the office is $120,000.



  • 4101 Laclede is moving in tenants. The site superintendent has left the project.
  • The Block has closed. The owner’s attempt to purchase the building failed. He is considering opening a new “concept” restaurant in the SW/Hampton area.
  • He distributed copies of ACROSSSTL, V. 2.


4355 West Pine was sold at auction and is being rehabbed by a new family moving into the neighborhood.


Respectfully submitted,

Terry Van Schaik

Acting Secretary