Minutes 2.12.19
President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
The normal order of business was suspended to allow representatives of Regions Bank to give their presentation.
Regions Bank recently opened a branch at 7 S. Vandeventer (between Laclede and Forest Park). Regions is the 15thlargest bank in the US, but with focus on community banking. As part of that focus, representatives Patrick Weston, Jason Kean, and Lauren Korbal presented information on the bank’s “Next Step Financial Wellness Solutions.” The program offers free seminars (30 – 45 minutes) led by knowledgeable bankers who can present to employees (or any other groups – i.e. churches, neighborhood association, etc.) with personalized guidance, advice and education to equip members of our community with the resources and tools to take the text step towards their own financial goals. Topics range from basic money management and understanding credit all the way to home ownership and preserving wealth. All seminars are free and open to anyone who want to take their Next Step For more information on this unique resource, contact Lauren Korbal, Vice President and Financial Wellness Relationship Manager at [email protected]or (314) 615-3566.
MINUTES – The minutes were approved with minor editorial corrections.
Certificate of deposit value: $7,173.62
Checking account balance: $2,206.43
Savings account balance: $1,059.54
The treasurer reminded the membership that new member dues are welcome any time and renewals are due in April. For information on how to pay, go to westpinelaclede.com
The position of chair of the beautification committee is open. Contact Harold if you are interested in serving in this capacity. Ron Coleman reported that a contract has been issued for repair of the water system in the community garden.
An attendee reported a recurrent foul smells coming from the sewer on the west side of Newstead between Laclede and West Pine. Ron Coleman will ask MSD to address this.
Marshall Michener was not present. Per Ron Coleman there was an armed robbery this week (daytime) on Newstead near West Pine. The incident was caught on video and is being investigated.
Ron Coleman :
- The city is aware that street lights are not functioning on Sarah at Laclede and they are working on it.
- 4101 building developers say they should be completely finished by the end of March 2019. All but 8 units have been sold and 20 have moved in.
- The alley north of 4101 Laclede will be repaired in brick and concrete
- Timing on the traffic lights on Clayton at Boyle and on Clayton at Newstead has been adjusted for weekend traffic but cannot be left on flash over the weekends due to traffic flow from the highway.
- An adult urgent care facility will be added to the building at Forest Park and Sarah, near the current pediatric urgent care facility.
- At a recent event at the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Academy of Science, St. Louis shared data on the importance of trees in neighborhoods, including:
- Improved water retention
- Long-term environmental benefits
- Increased home values
- Reduced crime rate
- ITREETOOLS.ORG– a resource for homeowners and neighbors to see how their trees may be impacting the environment, what species to plant, benefits of new tree planting projects, and more.
Harold encouraged neighbors to report trees in trouble to Mr. Coleman.
Respectfully submitted
Diana Gualdoni, Secretary