WPLNA MEETING ON TUES. 12/12/23 at 7:00

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, December 12th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome!

Our featured speakers will be Alex and Sara Lakin. The Lakins are the proud new owners of the oldest “destination” drinking and dining venue in our neighborhood, the Scottish Arms on Sarah, just south of its intersection with Laclede.

The Scottish Arms has been a beloved fixture in the West Pine-Laclede neighborhood for over 18 years.

The Lakins look forward to meeting their new neighbors and to continuing and even improving upon the wonderful work of Scottish Arms’ founder and longtime owner Ally Nesbit.

The minutes from our November meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the upcoming meeting.  Please note that to save on paper and ink, only a minimal number of hard copies will be printed for review and approval, so you are encouraged to read the minutes on line prior to coming.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.


West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes

November 2023

7:05 Welcome by President Harold Karabell, followed by introductions

Harold extended a welcome to Sam Adler, Managing Director, and Rob Soete, Director, of Brokerage Services, of New + Found, and manager of The Foundry, a subsidiary of the Lawrence Group.  Sam and Rob came to present about condo proposal at the former Bob Kramer Marrionettes on Laclede Avenue.

  • An educational puppetry center proposal on the site was introduced.
  • Lorraine asked whether there would be a combined center and residential area.
    • Yes, there is a conceptualization of such a combination.
  • The puppetry event center could also be located at Grand Center.
  • How many units?
    • Maximum ten units
  • What is the projected cost of the project?
    • $150,000-$250,000 per unit
  • Harold reminded those present that the neighborhood has had a positive working relationship with the Lawrence Group.
  • When a project comes closer to fruition, our WPLNA Development Committee headed by Dan Hellmuth, AIA, will review the plans.
  • Ron Coleman offered that the puppetry center might be at Grand Center.
  • Dug mentions the possibility of working with sister cities in France and Germany.

Sam Adler spoke to about coming businesses at The Foundry with these updates and potential projects at the property:

  • Museum of Illusions – one of 10 corporate locations
  • Ex-Pat – Gerard Craft new barbeque restaurant
  • A speakeasy
  • True Fusion – A fitness center
  • Two new restaurants, one would be middle eastern
  • 1 Foundry Way apartments starting at $1400 per month
  • The Sovereign restaurant across from Hi Lo Copy
  • Welcoming new start up shops


There was motion to approve October Minutes, which passed with consensus.

Treasurer Terry Werner presented our Financial Report

  • $ 2497.04 Checking – small expense for tree trimming $370
  • $ 2072.84 Savings
  • $ 4479.61 Time deposit

Dues are due in March.

Caitlin Smith presented updates on behalf of Alderman Browning:

  • The “Unhoused Bill of Rights” was tabled.
  • The Senior Property Tax Bill – Residents 62 and over would qualify for tax exemption through an application process. The city is willing to work with owners.
  • The Air Bnb Bill passed and was signed last week. All Airbnb properties must be registered with the city. There will be a portal for short-term rental concerns. Citizen Service Bureau, or Ron Coleman. Three complaints will result in a shut-down.

Comments by Barbara

  • 4300 Lights are working and looking great.
  • Parking permit is under way.

Yusuf Scoggins, representative of the Special Taxing District, gave the following updates:

  • New lights are near completion along Laclede.
  • North South streets will be lit next.
  • Bulbs and lights will shine DOWN. Lighting project cost about 1 million.
  • District is looking into irrigation and beautification possibilities.
  • The lovely wreaths along Sarah are our first step in creating holiday decorations around the WPL area.
  • Yuself is still looking at Forest Park crosswalk between Spring and Vandeventer, to create a safe crossing from the City Foundry.

Sharon Olwig asks about the possible irrigation project for the West Pine and Sarah garden. How might this come about?

The District is looking at an overall strategy for all the sites for planning and long-term maintenance. This would involve a comprehensive strategy.

Lorraine Simpson reported updates from the Beautification Committee

  • SBD had several meetings last year and decided to add wreaths on Sarah.
  • Lorraine would like to see this extend along all the north-south corridors.
  • More wreaths will be added to extend wreaths to north end of Sarah to Lindell.

Can Ron Coleman look into notifying owner of the former Jim and Andy’s on Newstead about condition of building and hanging “dagger” from front of building.

Ron will also check into ground level “trap” near car wash.

Angela asks about trash and recycling bins in disrepair. Ron says that these are scheduled for repair.

Terry announced honey for sale.

Catherine announced that she would be stepping down from secretarial duties in April 2024. The Association seeks a new secretary.

Angela asked how we might mobilize 20 and 30 year-olds to be involved in the Neighborhood Association.

A plan is needed to reach out to the HOA of every building for HOA representation in the WPLNA. More outreach is needed through Facebook or Instagram

Harold called the meeting to an end at 8:10 PM

New member in attendance: Nancy Mack 4100 Laclede


  • Caitlin Smith is a legislative assistant for Alderman Michael Browning.
  • Angela Williams, a resident of Laclede Avenue, is interested in creating a social media presence for the Association.

Minutes submitted by secretary Catherine Swanstrom


Thanks to Northwest Coffee Roasters for graciously hosting our meeting space.