WPLNA Meeting on Tues., 12-3-20 at 7:00 pm

WPLNA Meeting – Zoom Invite – Tues. 12/10/2020 at 7:00

The WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION will meet via ZOOM on Tuesday, December 7 at 7:00 pm.  

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 760 5564 7724 
Passcode: 0FE1X9 

We have no guest speakers at this time and new agenda items would be welcomed.  

Minutes from our November meeting are appended below and will be presented for approval.  Please take a minute to review them before joining in the meeting as we will be limited to 40 minutes.  

All are welcome.

Update on the proposed luxury apartment building on Lindell: 

The developers of a proposed luxury apartment building in the 4100 block of Lindell met three months ago with members of the WPLNA.

Since then, the Association has heard nothing whatsoever from either the developers or their agents, but this story, showing a considerably revised “footprint” for the proposed development, recently appeared on-line.  


The WPLNA is attempting to schedule another meeting with the developers and their agents.

We will keep everyone informed via e-mail about any upcoming meeting to discuss the project, which should be of considerable interest to everyone in the Association, but especially to those of us in the 4100/4200 block of West Pine.

Note from our treasurer, Terry Werner regarding an experience his son had which ended up deterring an apparent car break-in: 

Hi everybody. This morning, Duncan was walking the 3 dogs (not at night) along the 4300 block heading west from our house. When they were near Boyle, he saw a man walking somewhat erratically/suspiciously heading west  on the north side. The man started walking in the street and looking in the parked cars. Duncan thinks that he did not see him or the dogs at first. Right past the nursing home the guy pulled out what appeared to be a metal bar/baton. As he was getting ready to swing it at a car window, he looked around and saw Duncan with the 3 ferocious hounds. He pulled the bar back in and kept walking. Duncan called 911 and reported the dude and the dispatcher said that they would send a car. Duncan gave them the description – male, black, not sure of age (not a kid, not an old dude) black hoodie, black backpack, tan pants, red drink in one hand and the whacker in the other. He went south, I guess on Newstead, but Duncan lost him at FP Blvd.

The almost-victim’s car must have had something of value visible from the street. I do not know if the police dispatcher let Jim Whyte and crew know.


Minutes:  11.10.20  draft until approved by membership

President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. via Zoom.   

Attending were:  Harold Karabell, Terry Werner, Diana Gualdoni, Doug Brown, Barbara Brown, Lorraine Simpson, Marshall Michener, and Ron Coleman.  

MINUTES (Diana Gualdoni) :  October minutes could not be approved, lacking a quorum.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Terry Werner) : 

            Checking:        $2,348.77

            Savings:           $1,062.48

            Time deposit:  $7,412.91


  • Bulbs have been planted in medians
  • Plum tree has been planted in cul-de-sac at West Pine and Sarah in honor of long-time resident Ahmoy Nickolai.  A ceremony and plaque installation is planned for May. 
  • Another plaque will be installed at West Pine and Sarah with information on provenance of the statue in the garden.

DEVELOPMENT (Ron Coleman) : 

  • Harold:  the proposed apartment building on Lindell appears to be dead as there has been no response to multiple requests for updates.
  • Artizen – although there has been little construction activity, the developer claims it is 50% sold and will proceed.
  • Trailnet parklet in front of Kaldi’s at Laclede and Vandeventer was delayed due to issues between the City and Trailnet.   The design was approved but lack of insurance was an issue.  The Special Business District just approved an insurance policy.
  • Concerns about lights being out or too dim on West Pine.  Residents to send pictures to Neighborhood Improvement Specialist Ron Coleman. 

SECURITY (Marshall Michener): 

  • There have been several carjackings in the neighborhood in the past month.
  • There have been several catalytic converter thefts recently (a trend through the city) 
  • Gunshots have been reported (but sounds of gunshots can carry great distances and it is hard to know where they originated). 

The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Diana Gualdoni
