Minutes – Meeting on 41 Lindell Apartment development proposal

WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes from meeting on  08.10.2021 President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:15. Due to the special project being presented at this month’s meeting, the normal procedures were tabled to allow for discussion of the proposal to develop the “41 LINDELL APARTMENTS” at 4120-4130-4144 Lindell Blvd. PRESENTERS:  Garrison “Gary” Hassenflu  from MW Development Enterprises and President of Garrison Management Company who drove in from Kansas City Jim Frederick, attorney Read More…

Special meeting re: Apartment Building proposed for Lindell

APARTMENT BUILDING PROPOSED FOR LINDELL! The West Pine-Laclede Neighborhood Association invites you to attend a most important meeting: When:    This coming Tuesday, August 10th at 7 p.m. Where:   Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (just east of Boyle) Why:      To hear and discuss a proposal by the developers for the demolition of the former Places for People building (4130 Lindell) and the Lindell Professional Building (4144 Lindell) and their replacement by a very large Read More…

OPPORTUNITY: Ward 17 residents

Seeking 2 people to serve on the Citizens Advisory Committee for Capital Expenditures, who will help advise the city on the prioritization and spending of American Rescue Plan Act funds for City for capital improvement needs. Approximate Time Commitment: 5-6 weeks 1 – 2.5 hours meeting will start at 5:30 pm or after Meeting will begin early August If interested, see application details below. >>> Deadline is Sunday, 7/18 by 11:59 pm Must be resident Read More…

Neighborhood Open Forum at City Foundry STL

Tina “Sweet T” Pihl, 17th Ward Alderwoman and Steve Smith of the Lawrence Group have extended this invitation to a Neighborhood Open Forum at THE FOUNDRY at 4 pm on Sunday, July 11: Join us July 11th, 2021 for a Neighborhood Open Forum at City Foundry STL. The concerts have ended, but there is more to see and do. Come by and enjoy a tour of City Foundry with the development team. We welcome your Read More…

Scam alert

Please be careful of phone calls or emails saying that an Amazon account in your name has been hacked and that you need to go to the store and purchase a gift card of $500 or more to clear up the mess. Yesterday, a senior member of our neighborhood was almost persuaded to withdraw the funds and forward to the grifters. They also coerced him into giving valuable passwords and even opened a Zelle account Read More…

Survey on security camera network

Security Camera Feedback Please answer this short survey to let the Neighborhood Security Initiative (NSI) understand your opinions on security cameras. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected]. You can learn more about us at www.cwensi.com. Here is the link to the online survey we shared on social media: https://forms.gle/73pLqNT8pCEzHPpe9          

Lyceum event – June 8 update – changes

Dear neighbors:For those at the recent West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association meeting, the Lyceum event that was to take place this Saturday, June 12, at 6-8pm has been postponed to due unforeseen circumstances with one of our organizers. Once the event has been rescheduled, we would love for anyone interested to attend. For future information, please send your contact information to Joe Carroll at [email protected] .In light of the postponement, we will still hold a Read More…

WPLNA Meeting on Tues. 06/08/21 at 7:00

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, June 8th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome! We’ll have two guest speakers on our agenda: 1) Alen Zdrnja, representing the BP station at 4403 Laclede (at Newstead), who will discuss the owners plans to add auto repair services at their location 2) Joseph Carroll, a graduate student in SLU’s philosophy department who will describe his plans for Read More…