WPLNA Meeting on Tues. 02.11.2020 at 7:00 pm

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, February 11th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome! Although she has not yet officially confirmed her attendance, we look forward to welcoming Kimberly Collins as our featured guest speaker.  Ms. Collins is a candidate for State Representative from Missouri’s 77th District. The seat currently is held by two-term State Representative Steve Roberts Jr., who has announced his own Read More…

WPLNA Meeting on Tues. 1/14/2020 at 7:00

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, January 14th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome! Our special guest speaker will be Kimberly Collins, candidate for State Representative from the 77th District. Ms. Collins is running for the seat currently held by State Representative Steve Roberts, who has announced his candidacy for the 5th District’s State Senate seat. Please note that as an entirely non-partisan neighborhood Read More…

J&A liquor license hearing 12/20/19

Liquor license application for J&A’s at 10 N. Newstead:   The hearing previously scheduled for 12/6 was cancelled.   There will be an official protest hearing on December 20 at 9:00 am Room 418 City Hall Any input from residents would be for potential conditions to be placed on the license by the Excise Commissioner.  Whether or not they receive a license will be based on signatures alone, per state statute.

WPLNA Minutes 12.10.19

WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes:  12.10.19 President Harold Karabell was unable to attend, so Treasurer Terry Werner agreed to serve as chair and opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:07.   MINUTES from the November meeting were approved unanimously as written.     TREASURER’S REPORT – Terry Werner –  No change from last month $7,288.51 – time deposit account  $2,267.86 – checking    $1,061.52 – savings BEAUTIFICATION:   Diana Gualdoni and Marshall Mitchell described ongoing work with St. Louis City Parks Read More…

WPLNA Meeting on Tues. 12/10/19 at 7:00

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, December 10th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome! The minutes from our November meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the upcoming meeting. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.  WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes:  11.12.19 President Harold Karabell opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:00. The normal order of business was Read More…

WPLNA Meeting, Tues, Nov. 12, 7:00 pm

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, November 12th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome! The minutes from our October meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the upcoming November meeting. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.  WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes:  10.08.19 Treasurer Terry Werner chaired the meeting in the absence of Harold Karabell and opened the meeting Read More…

Pop-Up at the Parklet – 10/18

Hi All, We’ve made significant progress with the planning for our parklet at Laclede & Vandeventer.  As a next step, we’d like to invite you to join us for a Pop-Up at the parklet site this Friday, October 18 between 7 and 9 am. This pop-up is a chance for you to provide your input as we move toward a final design. We have a number of design concepts with cost estimates to share. In addition, Read More…


TOWN HALL MEETING to discuss development in St. Louis:   Wednesday, October 16  7:00 – 8:30 pm  4220 Duncan Avenue (Innovation Hall in the Cortex District)  Discussion will include  Incentive reform – mostly completed Equitable Economic Development Plan – currently being developed Affordable housing – to be developed.  A few minutes will be devoted to the paradoxes we need to address for a coherent residential development strategy. If one wanted a little background before this meeting, here are Read More…

WPLNA Meeting on Tues., 10/8/19 at 7:00 pm

The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, October 8th at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome! The minutes from our September meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the October meeting. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.    WPLNA Minutes – September 10, 2019 President Harold Karabell opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:00.  MINUTES from the August meeting were Read More…