WPLNA Meeting on Tues. 10/13/20 at 7:00

The WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION will meet via ZOOM on Tuesday, October 13 at 7:00 pm.   Our guest speaker will be Jake Lyonfields who will speak in support of Proposition R, a ballot measure to fund early childhood services by means of an increase of $60.00 in property taxes per $100,000 in assessed valuation.   Minutes from our September meeting are appended below and will be presented for approval.  Please take a minute to review them Read More…

Socially distanced neighborhood cleanup Sat. 10/3

Hello Neighbors! We are planning to have a SOCIAL DISTANCE NEIGHBORHOOD CLEANUP  this Saturday morning from 9:00 am to 11:00 am on Oct 3rd. We will meet at the end of the cul-de-sac on West Pine St. near Sarah St. Please, if you can, bring any work gloves, hand shovels, standard shovels, brooms, dustpans or rakes. it will be greatly appreciated. We will supply some tools, garbage bags, some disinfectant spray and wipes. The plan Read More…

Cleanup volunteers sought

We are recruiting residents who walk the neighborhood daily and are willing to commit to picking up garbage in our alleys and streets. It can be a great form of exercise to walk and an opportunity to keep our business and residential blocks clean. To help facilitate this effort we are offering a grabber or pair of gloves to those that can make a signed commitment to this task. All you need to do is provide the bag Read More…

Neighborhood beautification volunteers: THANK YOU!

We would like to thank all of the hard working volunteers that have helped during this very difficult season. It seemed even more important for people to have a nice place to go and take a walk and get out of the house this year, so your help has been greatly appreciated. We hope we haven’t left out any volunteers! If your last name or group who helped isn’t there, it is because we didn’t have Read More…

WPLNA member dues are due in April

Dear neighbors, even though our April meeting has been cancelled, your dues are still due. Please renew your membership (or join as a new member) by sending your check to our treasurer: Terry Werner , 4121 West Pine Blvd., Saint Louis MO 63108 The dues are a modest $25/year for individuals and $30/year for businesses.  Thank you in advance for your support through attendance at WPLNA’s meetings and membership dues.


SPECIAL ELECTION TODAY – AUGUST 6, 2019 ON A PROPOSAL TO RENEW OUR SPECIAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (SBD).   The SBD has been providing safety and security services to the neighborhood since 1996. The District currently provides additional security patrols, maintains a security camera network, partners with the CWE Neighborhood Security Initiative, and has been slowly upgrading pedestrian lighting in the neighborhood. Failure to pass this will mean loss of current extra security patrols, no further investment Read More…

Alley closure at Sarah between Laclede & West Pine

Good Afternoon, Good afternoon,  My name is Jim Masters, I work for Raineri Construction. We are working on condo project at 4101 Laclede Ave. Just reaching out to make you aware we will be doing alley repairs this Wednesday and Thursday May 22, and 23 2019. We have obtained an alley blocking permit from the City of Saint Louis for those days. The alley will be blocked completely At Sarah St with no thru access. Read More…

WPLNA Minutes 04.04.19

As approved at the May meeting: WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes 04.09.19 President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. MINUTES The minutes were approved by consensus without any corrections. TREASURE’S REPORT Certificate of deposit value:    $7,211.30  Checking account balance:      $2,231.43 Savings account balance:        $1,060.19 BEAUTIFICATION REPORT Lorraine Simpson volunteered to chair the Beautification Committee with assistance from Susan Nauert. Their key responsibilities are to help WPLNA focus on specific needs/projects (e.g., median Read More…

Thank you neighbors

“Thank you” to the  energetic  team of neighbors who  sacrificed a sunny Saturday last weekend to shovel the trash  and sweep the alleys,  pull weeds, and plant flowers in the green spaces.  The entire neighborhood will enjoy and appreciate the results of their labor.  Gracias! Nancy Lewandowski

Web site question

Our association website home page needs updating.  I’ve been posting and making minor updates to our website for some time but am not knowledgeable on how to make more substantive changes.  We are seeking someone with knowledge of WordPress to meet with me and walk me through how to publish changes to our home page.  I am asking only one meeting with me – probably about an hour. If you can help, please email  [email protected] Read More…