Road Closures for MetroLink Station Construction

We were informed that over the next several weeks, the construction crew for the Metrolink stop will be moving and placing new track for the station. This will require various road closures (see below). Please note the only time both Boyle and Sarah will be closed is over a weekend to minimally disrupt traffic. Otherwise, either Boyle or Sarah will be open during the closure periods. Following is a tentative schedule for the upcoming street Read More…

Missing Dog!

Lost Lhaso Also – Laclede & Sarah Our long-time WPLNA members Dug & Bob at Kramer’s Marionettes lost Dolly, a 12 lb. caramel-colored, long-haired Lhasa Apso. She escaped from yard on Monday 2/5/18. If you see her – contact them at 314-531-3313 or 314-745-8878.

IMPORTANT – Next WPLNA Meeting – 1/9/18

Reminder: There will NOT be a December meeting of the West Pine-Laclede Neighborhood Association. Our next meeting will be Tuesday January 9 at Northwest Coffee at 7 p.m. Deanna Venker, head of City Streets Department, will be there to talk about plans for traffic management in our neighborhood and to address safety concerns. In order to help her prepare please send questions to Harold Karabell, WPLNA President at [email protected] by 1/3/18. We will try to Read More…

Request for return of heirloom rocks

Three fossil rocks have disappeared from my front yard fountain at 4163 West Pine. The three fossil rocks were collected in the Ozarks by my grandfather Harry E. Wolf, inventor of the patented Wolf valve which was used for many years by Laclede Gas. My sisters and I split Grandpa’s rock collection and these three rocks are my share. I would very much like them back because they are of great sentimental value. I hope that whoever Read More…

City Studio: New Ownership / Free Yoga Classes

Hello Neighbors, You may have heard that my husband, Noel Cookson, and I have purchased The City Studio at 8 N. Newstead. I have rented space there for years to teach yoga. When Sara and Jack Burke said they were ready to sell, we jumped at the chance. New classes are being added during this session. To give students a chance to try them out, they are free for a month. I hope you will Read More…

Alley to be Closed at Sarah & West Pine/Laclede

Raineri Construction has notified WPLNA that they are planning to start some sewer work in the alley next Tuesday, May 16th related to building 4101 Laclede. Their plumber will be working for about a week to install a manhole over top of the sewer line with a lateral pipe running across to the project. Then after that is complete Ameren will be opening up a trench to bury the power lines which should take another Read More…

Construction Update – 4101 Laclede

From Nelson Vogt of Ranieri Construction, the project manager for the new condominium building at 4101 Laclede at Sarah: “We have come to the point where we need to move the fences out to the parking lanes. They will start that process tomorrow so those parking spaces will not be available after Wednesday.” Nelson is happy to answer any and all questions related to the construction process and its timetable. He can be reached at Read More…

Survey to Help Prioritize Public Infrastructure Needs

Park Central Development and Ald. Roddy hosted a CWE Community Meeting last Thursday night (August 11th) at the Schlafly Library to identify the priorities for public infrastructure needs in the Central West End (south of Lindell). The presentation is attached. Meeting-Presentation-FINAL1.pdf”>8-11-16 CWE Community Meeting Presentation FINAL If you haven’t weighed in – now is the time! The “Central West End Public Infrastructure Needs Survey” will remain live until Sunday, August 28th at 11:59PM. Please take Read More…

URGENT – Mosquito Spraying & Opt-Out Option

The City of St. Louis has launched a Fight the Bite campaign. Follow these precautions when you can: drain water, dress in long clothes, use DEET or other repellants to repel mosquitos, and take special care at dawn and dusk. The City will be helping in the effort by spraying mosquito fog. Unfortunately, what’s effective against a mosquito is also harmful to many pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. If you would like to opt Read More…

Central West End Association

NOTE: Harold Karabell, WPLNA President, thought this would be of interest: *** Dear Neighbors: I am Patrick Fox, a member of the Condo Board at the Donegal Condominiums at 4525 Laclede, located between Taylor and Euclid. I am also in my second year on the Board of Directors of the Central West End Association (CWEA) and I am writing you about joining the CWEA. My wife Cynthia and I have lived in the Central West Read More…