After nearly a full year of planning and construction, Quarrelsome Coffee at 33 N. Sarah (west side of Sarah between West Pine and Laclede) will open for business this coming Monday, March 27, 2023. Quarrelsome’s hours will be 7 a.m. – 4 p.m., seven days a week. We trust that Quarrelsome is destined to become yet another destination location in the neighborhood like our other beloved venues Northwest Coffee, Retreat Gastropub, Scottish Arms, Scarlett’s Wine Read More…

Live Stream the Crime-Safety Forum on Wed. evening

Posted today by Nicki Dwyer’s CENTRAL WEST END GUIDE: Update: More info on Wednesday’s Crime & Public Safety Forum at Schlafly Library Posted on March 13, 2023 by nickisbuzz Please note additions to the Crime and Public Safety Panel at the Community Meeting Wednesday at Schlafly Library. For those  unable to attend in person, the event will be live streamed on my Facebook page starting at 6 pm (here is the link). You do NOT Read More…

Cortex street closure update: March 20 – 31

Cortex Street Closure Update: March 20th to March 31st Ameren is scheduled to install conduit in the Clayton/Sarah intersection. During this portion of the job, shutting down the intersection will be required. The expected time for the intersection to be shut down is less than 2 weeks. After the intersection portion is complete, Ameren will continue to install conduit on Clayton going West of Sarah all the way up to BJC commons. They shouldn’t need Read More…


The West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will meet on Tuesday, March 14 at 7 pm at Northwest Coffee, 4251 Laclede (at Boyle).  All are welcome! The minutes from our January meeting and copied below and will be presented for approval at the upcoming meeting.  Please note that to save on paper and ink, only a minimal number of hard copies will be printed for review and approval, so you are encouraged to read the minutes Read More…

Meet Alderman candidates, 2/24/23 at 6 p.m.

Another opportunity to meet the candidates to represent the new 9th Ward Representatives of the Central West End Association with support from the CWE North Community Improvement District and New City School have just announced a forum to meet the candidates running for Alderman of the newly created 9th Ward. This event will take place on Friday, February 24 at 6 p.m. at New City School, more information follows. Other opportunities to meet the candidates, Read More…

PBS documentary on Bob Kramer’s Marionnettes

Channel 9 PBS will be airing a documentary about Bob Kramer’s Marionnettes entitled “Springs of Imagination” for three separate showings: Saturday, February 11, 7:00 pm Sunday,  February 12,  3:00 pm Monday, February 13, 9:00 pm Additionally, on Monday, February 13, 7:00 pm the Channel 9 program “Living in St Louis” will feature an interview with Dug Feltch, vice president of West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association, Bob Kramer’s partner, and survivor of the fire that recently Read More…