WPLNA Meeting on Tues., 12-3-20 at 7:00 pm

WPLNA Meeting – Zoom Invite – Tues. 12/10/2020 at 7:00 The WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION will meet via ZOOM on Tuesday, December 7 at 7:00 pm.   Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76055647724?pwd=eGpKbzV5QnErUERCL215YWxTdTZQZz09  Meeting ID: 760 5564 7724 Passcode: 0FE1X9  We have no guest speakers at this time and new agenda items would be welcomed.   Minutes from our November meeting are appended below and will be presented for approval.  Please take a minute to review them before joining in the meeting as Read More…

WPLNA Meeting – Zoom Invite – Tues. 11/10/2020 at 7:00

The WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION will meet via ZOOM on Tuesday, November 10 at 7:00 pm.   Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73880139917?pwd=MlhodVJCWC9EUUNEVGh1SG90N2NsQT09  Meeting ID: 738 8013 9917 Passcode: PnE53P  We have no guest speakers and any new agenda items would be welcomed.   Minutes from our October meeting are appended below and will be presented for approval.  Please take a minute to review them before joining in the meeting as we will be limited to 40 minutes.   All are welcome. Read More…

COVID-19 Rental/ Mortgage Assistance

ST Louis City Cares Prevention Assistance program STL City CARES program funds are available to assist residents who are experiencing economic hardships due to COVID-19. Park Central Development has partnered with the department of human service to assist seniors and families during this time. Currently Park Central Development is servicing the following zip codes: 63108, 63110, 63112, 63113 Eligibility requirements for CARES funding: The household must have been impacted financially by COVID-19. 2. Yearly income Read More…

Neighborhood Security Initiative Update

September 22 update: I just received a call from Captain Mike Mueller, Commander of District 5, the police arrested 2 suspects last night in one of the stolen vehicles taken from the area of Laclede and Boyle and third suspect has been identified and is wanted.  The police are confident these are the subjects responsible for the recent robberies and carjackings.  We will still have a detail out since there is a subject still at-large.Jim Whyte Read More…

Eternal vigilance is the price of a safe city neighborhood

Last night at approximately 11 p.m. there was a reported robbery/carjacking at 4245 West Pine.  The female victim was approached by 3 suspects, one of which was armed with a gun.  The suspect demanded her keys and took her vehicle heading west on West Pine.  The victim was not injured during the incident.   This is the 3rd similar incident in the same general location recently.   — It is especially important to exercise caution and vigilance Read More…

Found dog

I am one of the nurses at The SPOT.  A dog was in our back parking lot.   We wanted to share with you so you could send out to the neighborhood.   I have the dog as no one APA, Humane Society or Stray Rescue had room or called back.   Here is his picture.  They can reach out to me if it’s theirs.  Shouse, Carrie <[email protected]>

Zoom-in and Learn About A Major New Development Proposed for Lindell

The WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION will meet via ZOOM on Tuesday, September 8th at 7:00 pm.   Our guest speaker will be James Fredericks representing the developer proposing to build 190-unit luxury apartment building at 4130 Lindell, the previous location of Places for People.  We look forward to learning more about this major project which will be of interest to all of us in the neighborhood but especially to those on West Pine Boulevard directly behind the Read More…

Rental and Mortgage Assistance

Funding is available for our seniors and families recently impacted by COVID-19. Residents must live in the following neighborhoods: Academy/Sherman Park, Botanical Heights, Central West End, Forest Park Southeast, Flountain Park/Lewis Place, Tiffany, or in the West End. Please call Nanyamka Brown at 314-643-8261 or email [email protected] to see if you qualify. Household income and residency proof are required.

WPLNA Meeting on Tues. 8.11.2020 at 7:00

The WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION will meet via ZOOM (invite and log-in info is copied below)  on Tuesday, August 11th at 7 pm.     All are welcome!  Because we are using the basic Zoom app for this meeting, we are strictly limited to 40 minutes.  In order to maximize our time, we ask that you review the treasurer report and minutes below prior to joining in and be prepared to amend or approve.   Topic: West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association Time: Read More…

WPLNA meeting tonight at 7pm

This is your gentle reminder that the West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will be meeting via Zoom tonight. Our guest speaker will be Michelle Sherrod, candidate for Missouri State Senate. We will also be joined by Alfred Montgomery, candidate for Sheriff in the upcoming primary. We hope to “see” you there. Topic: West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association July Meeting Time: Jul 14, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)  Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5793331902?pwd=UUZBQjRaczlZTGxVRy9sYUZDK1QxZz09 Meeting ID: 579 Read More…