WPLNA Minutes from 02.09.21

WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. via Zoom.    Attending were:  Harold Karabell, Karen Karabell, Terry Werner, Lea Koesterer, Diana Gualdoni, Barbara Brown, Lorraine Simpson, Marshall Michener, Sue Nauert, Paul Nauert, Terry Van Schaik, Sue Aman, Sharon Olwig, Jeff Miner, Yusef Scoggin, Tyson Pruitt, Charles Lehman, Leslye Yancy  Special guests:  Comptroller Darlene Green, Aldermanic candidates Tina “Sweet T” Pihl and her staffer Kaleena Menke, Michelle Sherrod, and Don Read More…

WPLNA Minutes 10.08.19

WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes:  10.08.19 Treasurer Terry Werner chaired the meeting in the absence of Harold Karabell and opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:03.  MINUTES from the August meeting were approved unanimously as written.     TREASURER’S REPORT:              $7,288.51 – time deposit account (due for renewal soon)              $3,117.86 – checking (membership dues received)              $1,061.52 – savings BEAUTIFICATION:   Marshall Michener shared the good news of two Neighbors Naturescaping grants awards, one for the cul-de-sac on West Read More…

WPLNA 08.13.19 meeting minutes

Draft until approved at our next meeting. Of particular interest to some may be an event mentioned by Alderman Roddy that Jimmy Edwards, Director of Public Safety will be at Northwest Coffee on Thursday, August 15that 7 pm.  Neighbors are invited to attend.  WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes:  08.13.10 President Harold Karabell opened the meeting at Northwest Coffee at 7:00.  The normal order of business was suspended to allow our two guests to present.  Terri Stipanovich, the Read More…

WPLNA Minutes 05.14.19

WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes 05.14.19 President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. MINUTES  The minutes for April’s meeting were unanimously approved as written. TREASURE’S REPORT Certificate of deposit value:    $7,211.30  Checking account balance:      $2,311.43 Savings account balance:         $1,060.19 Membership dues were due in April.  Renew or to sign up: westpinelaclede.com/join/ BEAUTIFICATION REPORT Harold thanked Lorraine for her work on the planter on West Pine at Boyle Avenue.  Rejis had committed to maintain that Read More…

WPLNA Minutes 04.04.19

As approved at the May meeting: WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes 04.09.19 President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. MINUTES The minutes were approved by consensus without any corrections. TREASURE’S REPORT Certificate of deposit value:    $7,211.30  Checking account balance:      $2,231.43 Savings account balance:        $1,060.19 BEAUTIFICATION REPORT Lorraine Simpson volunteered to chair the Beautification Committee with assistance from Susan Nauert. Their key responsibilities are to help WPLNA focus on specific needs/projects (e.g., median Read More…

WPLNA Minutes 02.12.19

WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes 2.12.19 President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM The normal order of business was suspended to allow representatives of Regions Bank to give their presentation.  Regions Bank recently opened a branch at 7 S. Vandeventer (between Laclede and Forest Park).  Regions is the 15thlargest bank in the US, but with focus on community banking. As part of that focus, representatives Patrick Weston, Jason Kean, and Lauren Korbal Read More…

WPLNA Minutes 11.13.18

WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes 11.13.18 President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM MINUTES The minutes were approved as revised to explain the Mr. Werner was absent from the October 2018 meeting because he was with family after the death of a younger brother and that he had given the Mr. Karabell a Treasurer’s Report prior to the meeting. TREASURE’S REPORT Certificate of deposit value:    $7,161.89 Checking account balance:      $2,396.31 BEAUTIFICATION Read More…

WPLNA Minutes 10.09.18

WPLNA MINUTES  10.09.18 MINUTES The minutes for September 2018 were approved with no corrections   TREASURER’S REPORT Since the treasurer was not in attendance, there was no Treasurer’s Report. Dues are: $25.00 per individual $30.00 for a business Mail dues to: Terry Werner 4121 West Pine Blvd St Louis MO 63108   BEAUTIFICATION REPORT No report.   SECURITY COMMITTEE REPORT Marshall Michener, Security Liaison Reports of aggravated assault and auto break-ins continue to increase, but Read More…

WPLNA minutes 09.11.18

WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes 9.11.18   – Draft until approved at October meeting President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order at 7:12 (late start due to prior event at the coffee shop). MINUTES The minutes for August, 2018 were approved with one typographical correction. TREASURER’S REPORT Terry Werner reported income from new memberships ($75) and one outlay for website security ($119.98) Current checking account balance is $2,296.31. If you have not paid Read More…

WPLNA Minutes 8.14.18

WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION Minutes 8.14.18    President Harold Karabell called the meeting to order and waived the normal order of business to allow a question and answer session with the guest speaker below. GUEST SPEAKER: Jeff Hood, Community Development Specialist with Washington University Redevelopment Corporation spoke to the importance of the proposed Mid-City Community Improvement District that would continue the mission of the soon-to-expire Special Taxing District.  He offered to stay after the meeting Read More…