WPLNA Meeting on Tues. 8.11.2020 at 7:00

The WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION will meet via ZOOM (invite and log-in info is copied below)  on Tuesday, August 11th at 7 pm.     All are welcome!  Because we are using the basic Zoom app for this meeting, we are strictly limited to 40 minutes.  In order to maximize our time, we ask that you review the treasurer report and minutes below prior to joining in and be prepared to amend or approve.   Topic: West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association Time: Read More…

Neighborhood beautification volunteers: THANK YOU!

We would like to thank all of the hard working volunteers that have helped during this very difficult season. It seemed even more important for people to have a nice place to go and take a walk and get out of the house this year, so your help has been greatly appreciated. We hope we haven’t left out any volunteers! If your last name or group who helped isn’t there, it is because we didn’t have Read More…

WPLNA meeting tonight at 7pm

This is your gentle reminder that the West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association will be meeting via Zoom tonight. Our guest speaker will be Michelle Sherrod, candidate for Missouri State Senate. We will also be joined by Alfred Montgomery, candidate for Sheriff in the upcoming primary. We hope to “see” you there. Topic: West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association July Meeting Time: Jul 14, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)  Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5793331902?pwd=UUZBQjRaczlZTGxVRy9sYUZDK1QxZz09 Meeting ID: 579 Read More…

WPLNA Meeting on Tues. 7/14/2020 at 7:00

The WEST PINE LACLEDE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION will meet via ZOOM (invite and log-in info is copied below)  on Tuesday, July 14th at 7 pm.   Our special guest speaker will be Michelle Sherrod, one of three candidates for State Senator from our District.  All are welcome!  Because we are using the basic Zoom app for this meeting, we are strictly limited to 40 minutes.  In order to maximize our time, we ask that you review the treasurer report and minutes below prior Read More…

CWE Southeast Resident Survey 2020

The Central West End Southeast Special Business District (CWE SE SBD) is a special taxing district that is managed by a Mayor-appointed Board of Commissioners, consisting of residents or stakeholders in the District. Renewed in 2019, the SBD is now authorized to invest capital beyond its traditional security and public safety budget to include cleaning, landscaping and maintenance, purchase and installation of public infrastructure, and public transportation. For more information about the Special Business District, please Read More…

WPLNA June meeting cancelled

As you know by now, the West Pine Laclede Neighborhood Association cancelled our June meeting in an abundance of caution around the Covid situation. We hope to resume our monthly meetings in July (with appropriate social distancing). Had we met this month, we would have had the opportunity to hear and talk with Michelle Sherrod, a State Senatorial candidate.  We hope she can join us in July.  If there are issues that you would like Read More…

WPLNA May meeting cancelled

It’s never good news to be forced to cancel our WPLNA meeting two months in a row, but since all of us are desperate for something in which to take genuine pride and pleasure, here it is: The neighborhood garden, the median planters on Laclede and West Pine, and the West Pine cul-de-sac are looking better than ever!Thankfully, not even the Coronavirus can deter the work of our Beautification Committee’s dedicated and talented volunteers.Our deepest Read More…

Central West End Southeast Special Business District Request

RESIDENT SURVEY 2020 The SBD is seeking resident feedback to inform future expenditures. The Central West End Southeast Special Business District (CWE SE SBD) is a special taxing district that is managed by a Mayor-appointed Board of Commissioners, consisting of residents or stakeholders in the District. Renewed in 2019, the SBD is now authorized to invest capital beyond its traditional security and public safety budget to include cleaning, landscaping and maintenance, purchase and installation of public Read More…

WPLNA member dues are due in April

Dear neighbors, even though our April meeting has been cancelled, your dues are still due. Please renew your membership (or join as a new member) by sending your check to our treasurer: Terry Werner , 4121 West Pine Blvd., Saint Louis MO 63108 The dues are a modest $25/year for individuals and $30/year for businesses.  Thank you in advance for your support through attendance at WPLNA’s meetings and membership dues.